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Stachka Reviews

  • Marcelle 2022-07-10 22:43:43

    Unprecedented - "Juggling Montage"

    "Strike" has eight parts, which are about the workers' resistance movement during the Tsarist period. An hour and a half of the film, extremely vivid narrative, dizzying. Watch Eisenstein's films and you'll see that the lines are completely unnecessary. Vocals can affect editing, which in his...

  • Jerad 2022-07-10 18:40:39


    What a gorgeous technique ~ ubiquitous symbols and conflicting montages, the Odessa ladder comparison technique is also very obvious here, especially in the scene of chaos and large crowds, the effect is very strong, especially deliberate To highlight a certain awareness or feeling of one party....

  • Guy 2022-07-10 14:17:10

    The Strike: Ideologically in Line with the Mainstream

    As Eisenstein's debut novel, ideologically it conformed to the mainstream at that time, that is, to carry forward the spirit of the proletarian revolution, to show the exploitation of the bourgeoisie, to establish a sense of hostility, to reveal the bloody atrocities of those in power and the...