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Vratné lahve Reviews

  • Jade 2022-08-28 14:57:10

    I won't go to heaven if I don't have a job

    Prague Etude

    I don't want to teach here anymore, I don't feel happy. These shallow, nasty kids. They stopped greeting me because I was not their teacher. They yelled out everything that came to their minds in class, thinking about how important it was. They brought the damn cookies into the...

  • Dashawn 2022-08-28 14:21:22

    real thoughts of men

    For a while, a man is absurd no matter how old he is. He will pay attention to young and beautiful women all day long, and he will have sexual fantasies at night. If his derailment fails, he will be discovered by his wife, and he will lie all the time. Such a bad old man should really be disgusted....

Vratné lahve

Director: Jan Sverák

Language: Czech,German Release date: March 8, 2007