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Vagabond Reviews

  • Lambert 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    bond of life

    How to face your own life is a serious topic.

    But again this is a strange sentence - I mean, life, it's not something outside of us, ourselves - or, more empirically, our experiences and experiences from the past to the present, those stored The data in our brains and our social relationships are...

  • Kurtis 2022-03-21 09:03:05


    "Complete freedom = complete loneliness" ends with a black screen of Mona's despair and pain, which is still unfinished and heart-wrenching, her wandering, lonely and free, wandering and helpless, full of personality, unrealistically relying on the charity of others to survive , the last fallen...

  • Federico 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    Pure symbols and real individuals

    Varda said she wanted to represent women who were homeless on the road, so she had Mona. Mona is free, rebellious, and defiant, but also isolated, filthy, and ends up in the gutter at the end of her life. Mona came naked from the blue sea, and we saw how a woman who walked out of nature went back...

  • Devante 2022-03-21 09:03:05


    We enjoy the achievements of science and technology, but suffer from the indifference of the world. We celebrate the fidelity of love, but guard against the betrayal of our partners. We pursue happiness in life, but we compete to shed blood in the workplace. We advocate independent thinking, but...

  • Clemens 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    After Mona left

    In fact, it’s still a matter of taking notes, but I moved to this place because of the limited number of words for short reviews. I took this title because I was chatting with a friend last night. She posted Brother Xun's article "After Nora Runs away" as an example, although it was about the art...

  • Jerod 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    Wandering around the world, but whether you fall or not, benevolent sees benevolent

    At first she was just wandering, swimming naked, hitchhiking, borrowing water, borrowing matches, camping, doing odd jobs, and kissing only the people she loved; then she was raped, drunk, and drug addiction intensified; finally she was inexplicably filthy, and finally lost her temperature in...

  • Jarvis 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    Roger Ebert's translation of film reviews

    The opening shot moves very slowly through the desolate fields of a French winter. The silhouettes of two trees at the top of the mountain are clearly visible. There is no joy here. As the camera approaches, we see the frozen body of a young woman at the bottom of the ditch. Workers in the field...

  • Stanford 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    Sans Toit Ni Loi

    Literally translated into Chinese, the title of the film is "without 'house' without bundles", which may be a little more appropriate. toit is the roof, which represents the house that shelters the wind and rain; loi is the laws and regulations, which means that the constraints of behavior are...

  • Pat 2022-03-21 09:03:05

    [Film Review] Vagabond (1985)

    Nipping audience's hope in the bud, in VAGABOND, Varda lets on the bleak fate of its protagonist right out of the box, a corpse of a girl in rigor mortis is found in a ditch of the wintry southern France. Who is this young girl? Deploying a subjective female voice-over and a faux documentary idiom...

  • Kathryne 2022-01-18 08:02:30

    A wandering without motivation

    Once, Mona almost stopped. The man with kind eyes in her mouth said: If you want, you can stay and I will take care of you. At the dining table, Mona stroked her scratched hand, perhaps a trace of sympathy for herself rose in her heart.

    After negotiating with her companion to no avail, he calmly...