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Up Reviews

  • Roselyn 2021-10-13 13:08:12

    Why do I always remember those boring little things. But these little things are what I miss the most.

    I want to go on a trip with you one day, go to places that I haven't been to before, no luggage, no backpacks, no computers and no mobile phones, walk one place and park another place. The best thing in my heart is to be on the road with you, catch the last meteor, sit on the top of the highest...

  • Clifton 2021-10-13 13:07:47

    The topic only appeared at the end



    Towards the end, Carl watched his and Ellie’s house float away with a bunch of colorful balloons. Since Ellie's death, Carl has kept herself closed and rarely contacted the outside world. And in the end, when the house landed steadily on the edge of the cliff, he was finally able...

  • Clarabelle 2021-10-13 13:07:34

    Very warm story

    Full of warmth, young grandfather. They are all cute.

    I want to go on a trip with you one day, go to places that I haven't been to before, no luggage, no backpacks, no computers and no mobile phones, walk one place and park another place. The best thing in my heart is to be on the road with you,...

  • Haskell 2021-10-13 13:05:47

    Han Han's comments

        The Adventures of Flying House. This is the main theme of Hollywood, the so-called uneducated Hollywood, its main theme always exudes the light of human nature, the so-called cultural China, its main theme always exudes the stench of politics. "Flying House Adventures" also provides...

  • Dustin 2021-10-13 13:05:46

    The world I want to travel the most

    A movie can be very fast, watch the TS version, or it can be good, wait for the DVD. But I'm not in the United States, so I can't experience 3D in the cinema quickly and well. For "Up", I really couldn't wait, and simply released the gun version. Probably it was really affected by the...

  • Mollie 2021-10-13 13:05:46

    Watching a screening accident of "Flying House"

    This morning I watched the 10:45 3D 3D movie "Flying House Tour" (UP) at Beijing Xingmei International Studios this morning, and I encountered a very helpless screening accident—the movie theater reversed the left and right eye images. . Why do you want to say "again"? Because this is the...

  • Wade 2021-10-13 13:05:46

    I'm just sad that I can't grow old with you

    The lights dimmed, the screen came on, and there was darkness on my left hand side. Watching the pair of two Xiaowu guessing on the screen slowly getting old, they build the small wooden house called home together, run a small balloon business together, save money for the dream trip...

  • Alexys 2021-10-13 13:05:46

    Only Love Can Break Your Heart

    If a movie can do it even I think it is clichéd, then it must be incurable. If Finding Nemo stayed in one of your favorite cartoons for 5 years until the appearance of Wall-E, if you become familiar with its lines in 5 years, but every time you see the whole The animal gossip of the world...

  • Krista 2021-10-13 13:05:46

    Your idol will deceive you, but I will not

    My dear, I hope that when I go out every day, I will choose a tie for you and tie it tightly for you. I hope to use a piggy bank with you to save money. Then use it together. I hope to write a diary with you to record our lives together. I hope to guard a house with you, depend on each...

  • Josie 2021-10-13 13:05:46

    You are the adventure of my life

    Do you believe in love? I believe you. When did we start to disbelieve in love, when did we dare not talk forever, when did our worship of matter stripped our faith in love itself? We are used to entering or exiting love after love, and then regard it as an exercise in love. Our world is...