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  • Louisa 2022-04-20 09:01:05

    Grow together

    As an animated film full of fantasy, the first half of the story is warm and touching, showing the happiness and loss in the life of an ordinary American family; the second half of the adventure story is gorgeous and stunning, with the help of 3D film technology , achieves breathtaking visual...

  • Trisha 2022-04-20 09:01:05

    About details and rhythm

    This film is actually a combination of various ideological themes such as dreams, love, and life. Different people can cut in from different angles and analyze the ideological core that matches their own life experience. Carrying so many "burdens" can still Going so easily and freely, apart...

  • Adolphus 2022-04-20 09:01:05

    Years cherish people

    The story unfolds slowly in a warm color. A fat boy with big dreams in his heart. He admires an excellent explorer. He hopes that he can travel around the world just like him. See those distant landscapes and worlds. Then, he met a "little girl", right, but she didn't look like her, with exploding...

  • Ariel 2022-04-20 09:01:05

    What are the plots in "Flying House" that made you cry?

    Have you ever loved someone?

    Block all your emotions and thoughts, occasionally hurt but happy.

  • Lia 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    Waiting for your lover, life is enough

    After careful calculation, I have been with my girlfriend for more than seven years. During the bumps and bumps, ups and downs, experienced a lot. He once made a promise to his girlfriend that he would take her on an adventure outside, but the ordinary life makes this grand goal stranded every time...

  • Helmer 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    The house flies away, love still stays

    Sitting in the back row of the cinema is a father and daughter. After the opening of the film, the little daughter kept laughing, but at the end, she kept asking her father: Dad, where did the little boy at the beginning go? Dad, who is the grandma in this photo? Dad repeated it over and over...

  • Matilde 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    Just grow old alone.

    The most special thing about "Flying House" is not its 3D visual effects, nor is it about the adventures of an old man and a child, but the life journey of the protagonist and his wife hand in hand at the beginning of the movie Condensed display. This is actually very sad, especially after the...

  • Rozella 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    I love you girl, you are as beautiful as a flower

    This summer, I watched a lot of movies, and I didn't care about any of them. Harry Potter is fantasy-turned-romance; nightclub is dead-on comedy. When I was hesitating whether to look very perfect and ruining my eyes, my friend W took me to see Flying House and said that it was beautiful, very...

  • Janessa 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    Just know that the adventure in your heart is always going on

    Since when? Did the colorful adventure you wrote about became my persistent dream, did it start when I released the balloon and carried our cabin higher and higher? You know, this room is full of you, the picture on the fireplace is you, the one sitting next to my rocking chair is you, the...

  • Kassandra 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    The life holding hands with you is my most gorgeous adventure

    The dim theater, the blurred lenses, and the advertisements that seem to be never-ending, all these did not arouse my strong desire, but it was only because of the inseparable complex of Disney that drove me into this bright and unusual place. Patronage of the room. However, it turned out to be the...