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Up Reviews

  • Alejandra 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Watching Movies------Flying House Travels

    In addition to the robot Wall-E and Father and Daughter, there are also Flying House Travels in the cartoons, which made me burst into tears and then laughed silly. It's really emotional, but the movie is good, I like it very much, and I highly recommend it.     Flying House was released a long...

  • Hilton 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    If I am old, may I have the passion and courage to pursue.

    There are so many things in this world that you think you will be able to continue doing them tomorrow. There are a lot of people that you thought you would meet again tomorrow. So when you temporarily let go or turn around temporarily, all you have in your heart is the hope of reunion tomorrow....m

  • Jamaal 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Please don't say stubbornness, that's the last obsession with love

    I am a strange person. He said, talk to me, 1 sentence is listening, 3 sentences are talking, and 6 sentences are guessing. Basically, I am very difficult to chat. I know. I mean, if I want to, I can be warm, peaceful, and empathetic. But after a long time, especially when you want to really enter...

  • Keyon 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Montage Narrative of the Animated Film "Flying House"

    Montage achieves an effect of "meaning beyond words" and "exhausting words and endless meaning" by splicing clips. The narration with montage has a great leap. By summarizing the occurrence, development and end of events in a point-to-face manner, the narration is more concise and clean. In 2009,...

  • Joaquin 2022-04-21 09:01:07

    About the original dream. about love.

        Very loving, very loving,     very warm and very warm.     I think     maybe we don't need a big Hollywood blockbuster.     There's no need for a terrifying thriller either.     Because ah.     As long as it is a little warm, cute, and moved,     it is enough to make us feel happy about it.... 

  • Janelle 2022-04-21 09:01:07

    life up

    When I came back from watching Up at night, I cried a little bit and burst into tears three times. The relationship between Carl and Ellie is genuine, but lasting love shouldn't be the focus of this movie. This is a movie about the meaning of life. When everyone describes their dreams, the first...

  • Olin 2022-04-21 09:01:07

    "Flying House": not only animation

    When DreamWorks began to "give up on itself" and devote themselves to studying their "spoofing", when Blue Sky Studio finally began to be his "Millennium Third" with peace of mind, Pixar, who was already the leader in the computer animation industry, had ambitions Expanded more and more. Although...

  • Destini 2022-04-21 09:01:07

    Let's say goodbye to the past

    I shed tears several times because I was moved by love   . Every tie I tie for you   is our plain and light love that  flows like water in my heart . This is  a   deep cartoon.   Children can't understand the   movie.   Pulling parents to run out,   and the child directly said loudly in the...

  • Alexander 2022-04-21 09:01:07

    Why & Solution?

    Why did he throw away his wife's photo and leave none of it? Don't the protagonists of Hollywood movies leave a picture of their wives or something for them to take a look at? Why didn't he even look back when he threw it? The old man smiled at that time. It was a good way to throw it. He moved...

  • Ora 2022-04-21 09:01:07

    One's Ultimate Adventure - Lost Love Forever

    After watching the film, I do remember the love that I remembered in the film, because we are both so young and we value mutual affection so much. There are too many movies about love. But the biggest fear of being a human being is that after a tight and warm life has passed in the music,...