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U Turn Reviews

  • Arch 2022-03-21 09:02:15

    very dark

    This movie is so dark. I had a hunch that the footage was distorted at the beginning of the movie. Storytelling is one after another inscrutable series, how people fall into a darker, more distorted and self-destructive situation under the barrier of lack of trust. A small town in the desert is an...

  • Anabel 2022-03-21 09:02:15


    When I first saw this movie, I didn't really like the decades-old America, and the quality of the filming was a little old. It wasn't what I liked when there were always fast-moving clouds and similar images. At first, it made people feel a bit Deliberately, very blunt . At the beginning, these...

  • Thalia 2022-03-21 09:02:15

    He's the unlucky one, who are you?

    When misfortunes do not come singly, you feel that you are unlucky enough, helpless enough, desperate enough, and even flashed the idea of ​​suicide, don't worry! Press the play button to take a look at U-TURN. After comparing it with the situation of the male protagonist—the disparity—maybe you...

  • Braeden 2022-03-20 09:02:01

    The Despair of "Don't Turn Around"

    Endless heat, boundless barrenness, helpless indifference, unbelievable everything. All are unbelievable, all are violators of your interests, all are on the path to morbid dehumanizing destruction. In the end, it was nothing but a bloody piece of flesh in the mouth of a vulture hovering in the...

  • Nakia 2022-03-20 09:02:01

    hot summer

      "No U-Turn" is definitely one of the rare good films in the history of film. I like the photography in it so much, it captures the heat and restlessness vividly. It is such a blessing that there are so many film masters in this world who have given us so much joy!     The unlucky child is in the...

  • Andreanne 2021-12-23 08:01:11

    It's your turn~~~

    Miserable too TMD miserable content of the film I will not wordy. I watched this film three times back and forth, and I defined the film as a kind of bizarre horror. Except for the male protagonist, everyone in the town is abnormal, and it feels like a group of isolated people. The battered heroine...

  • Ashley 2021-12-23 08:01:11

    The revelation of decadent violence

    The day before yesterday, I watched Sister Zhao's highly recommended No U-turn. Although it is not a new film, it is worth my strong recommendation.       People say that the scenery implies a certain personality, and the environment itself has a story. The hot and smelly town in "No U-turn" is the...

  • Rickey 2021-12-23 08:01:11

    You still lucky

    Sean Penn is actually quite talented in comedy, and he performed one in a different dad. In this movie, I like to see his depressed and helpless expression. In the last part, he stared at the rearview mirror and took pictures of his bruised body. I looked at the pile of money next to me again,...

  • Spencer 2021-12-23 08:01:11

    U Turn

    The ending that is impossible to look back, everything seems to be destined, everything is arranged, we are just actors who don't know the plot. The reality of the story can only be described as cruel, I don't know what to say, obviously It's summer, but I feel cold all over, and the cold makes...

  • Roslyn 2021-12-23 08:01:11

    No U-turn

    Arizona, located in the western part of the United States, is also the driest state in the United States. It is said that even mosquitoes cannot find a shelter in the high temperature and heat of summer. There is the Grand Canyon of Colorado and the Indian Reservation. I specially downloaded...