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Turtles Can Fly Reviews

  • Jess 2022-12-27 16:58:49

    turtles can fly

    It is ironic that children are supposed to be the hope of a nation, but this country uses the lives of children to clear landmines for adults. The child calls out to his parents from the empty shells of these cannonballs, maybe in his cognition, the dead parents live in it. The appearance of wars,...

  • Stephon 2022-12-25 10:33:16

    hope and destruction

    The background of the film is the US-Iraq war, and a large number of orphan refugees with mutilated limbs struggled to survive on the border and experienced the baptism of war. The hardships made everyone unable to breathe, but they still had hope and optimism. The child king "Satellite" is the...

  • Corine 2022-12-21 10:26:28

    Fly, fall heavily with a light volley

      - Watch the Iran-Iraq movie "Flying Turtles"     sea turtles, clumsily and honestly crawling slowly on the beach, do you have the desire to fly?   Or, when they stretch their legs freely in the water, can they be regarded as flying in another sense? . ?? 。. "Flying Turtles", the third...

  • Elza 2022-12-19 21:51:08

    Run, boy. Fly, girl.

    The world has been at peace, but the history of war will never be forgotten. When children with missing arms and legs appeared in the camera, especially the child who was holding the child with his body and the child who "run" fast with a cane, of course, and the satellite that was damaged by the...

  • Vicky 2022-12-18 00:54:32

    ruthless war cruel heart

    It was almost the first time I saw a movie in the Arab world. It was very original and very real. After watching it, my mood was also very heavy. The fire of war is ruthless, not only destroying cities, but also destroying individuals. It seems that it is destroying everyone's hearts, and it seems...

  • Jean 2022-12-17 15:06:26

    Turtles can fly: suffering in the bone marrow

    This is the first time I've seen a film that reflects the Kurdish region, and I gave it a 10 without hesitation. The film "Turtles Can Fly", co-produced by Iran and Iraq, deeply depicts the suffering experienced by the Kurds through the eyes of children. This suffering has followed them for...

  • Alexanne 2022-12-15 18:38:17

    Turtles can't fly after all.

    Purely personal, rambling thoughts, with no structure at all. Written on 2009.06.29 I just can't extricate myself from the explosion of that mine. When I first saw the introduction of this movie, I was interested in it because of the word "turtle" in the name. It's a seemingly hopeful title, but...

  • Gillian 2022-12-15 10:45:44

    Even sea turtles can fly---comment on the montage in the dark

    This film is a masterpiece directed by Bahman Gobadi, which takes the US-Iraq war as the theme. The film does not directly describe the brutality of the war, but turns the camera to the children on the edge of the battlefield, showing the cruelty of the war with their innocent smiling faces. A...

  • Shaun 2022-12-15 09:11:15

    Turtle it's flying, we haven't

    It belongs to a war movie. It is only set in a small village, there is no bullets, and there is almost no bloody scene, but it makes people feel sore and breathless. "We have no water, no electricity, no antennas, not even the sky. We don't even know when the war will come." "We all know math and...

  • Abelardo 2022-12-10 16:02:28

    Children shouldn't have to suffer so much!

    Children who have lost their arms, children who are on crutches, children who have lost their light, children who have no parents to take care of... are all children who should study in primary and secondary schools! But they are relying on digging mines and moving artillery shells to make a...