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Tumbbad Reviews

  • Kelli 2022-10-04 09:47:14

    [1.29] "Tabad"

    After reading it twice, do you think the evaluation is a bit inflated? However, I have not watched many Indian movies, so I have no right to speak. First of all, it does not sing and dance like the movies I have seen before, but it does not mean that there is no singing and dancing at all. The...

  • Myron 2022-10-03 15:43:09

    Speak alone the word God

    Baidu's explanation is: 1. Religion refers to the creator and ruler of all things in the world, and superstitious people refer to immortals or elves after the death of powerful and virtuous characters. 2. Mythological characters with superhuman abilities.

    So the skinless monster in the movie is...

  • Andy 2022-10-03 04:11:41

    Watching the movie "Tabad the Devil": You can steal, but it's not right to rob

      Gandhi said that the earth can satisfy man's needs, but not man's desires. The story revolves around desire.

      There is a legend in India that the Goddess of Prosperity is in charge of infinite gold and food, the earth is her womb, and she has given birth to 160 million children who are gods. But...

  • Sandy 2022-10-03 01:40:54

    Asan is amazing again

    Awesome realistic, awesome atmosphere creation, awesome makeup special effects, awesome story climax, awesome human nature discussion.

    You see, a good movie has nothing to do with money. What I'm saying is that the cost of shooting has nothing to do with the quality of the movie. Lao Mei likes to...

  • Jake 2022-10-03 00:05:44

    Will being a giant face doll attract the giant Hasta?

    To be honest, I really like this movie. Although the grandma and the protagonist’s friends turned into monsters in it, the details of the whole movie are well handled, and the plot is also very exciting. The first time I watched it, I didn’t know enough, so I did it a few times. The following are...

  • Bridgette 2022-10-01 23:51:46

    Greed can make mortals make quick money on the evil god

    The myths and legends at the beginning explain the background: the most favored eldest son of the Indian goddess wants to take away the goddess's divine power: endless food and gold coins. When he took away the endless gold coins, he was discovered and destroyed by other gods. The goddess favored...

  • Weston 2022-09-26 19:23:37

    wet greed

    "Womb of the Goddess" once again proved that a good script can trump a high-priced special effects blockbuster, bringing out a terrifying fable through an interlocking, step-by-step narrative...  

    The film begins with the male protagonist telling his son about the ancient legend of the evil god...

  • Xzavier 2022-09-21 23:18:56

    greedy! greedy! ! greedy! ! !

    The open line is "greedy" and the dark line is "deception." A generation of men deceived a generation of women, obviously unable to mine gold, and even deceived that they could give gold coins. The second-generation man deceived himself and vowed not to go back, but for 16 years he went back to...

  • Conner 2022-09-20 14:04:01

    One Flour Doll, One Hasta, Many Flour Dolls, Many Hasta

    One flour doll, one Hasta, many flour dolls, many Hasta. The spread of desire brings a painful price beyond what I can bear. The hero's monster grandma turned into a tree after 15 years. The womb of the goddess conceives life, and the inheritance of the line is not only the reproduction of the...

  • Aletha 2022-09-12 22:44:05

    Make money cheats

    The old grandpa who died first in this movie should be the happiest.

    Why do you say that? This involves a question of making money cheats.

    The voiceover at the beginning of the movie makes it clear that the god Hastur is greedy and wants both gold and food. Anyone who has read elementary...