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Trauma Center Reviews

  • Buster 2022-12-01 01:58:48

    The deceived IQ is nowhere to be placed

    Two bad policemen’s IQ is not as good as a restaurant waiter being played twice with the same routine, and fighting is not as good as an old man

    There is a shortage of doctors in this hospital. My sister is hospitalized in the respiratory department and her sister is shot. They should see the...

  • Annabelle 2022-06-09 18:02:30


    Courageous Movie Critic: The fighting scenes are not as exciting as imagined. Most of the plots are two negative policemen chasing and killing the heroine in order to capture the bullet that was shot in the leg of the heroine. In the end, the heroine persisted with her love for her sister and shot...

  • Nikita 2022-06-09 15:18:00

    It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, Baldbu beats too much soy sauce this time

    Bruce Fucking Willis’s film has a characteristic like to do things in a closed space, this one is no exception, so as long as his crime thriller will start with "tiger" as the title, but the heroine of this film is her. She is indeed a tiger girl. There is a kind of friendly face like Cameron...

  • Ross 2022-06-09 13:16:49

    Old cloth night festival is not guaranteed

    There is neither a bright spot nor a climax, the male protagonist is inexplicably weak, the gangster can only kill with his brain, and then kills to save himself from the crisis, the weak female number one is inexplicably high-powered, you can't imagine the level of the screenwriter and only...

  • Kelvin 2022-06-09 09:09:36

    Low-cost small production

    From beginning to end, Lao Bu and the heroine played their roles in the whole film. They didn't meet for a few minutes, and they didn't help each other much. Lao Bu was running around looking for clues, and the hostess was hunted down in the hospital. The whole movie on the mobile phone couldn't...