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Togo Reviews

  • Roselyn 2022-03-22 09:02:20

    Dogs accompany us with their lives

    There is a sentence in the film that I very much agree with, the dog doesn't think it is working, it is using its life to accompany its owner. I've owned a few dogs and I'm a big fan of dogs, so I totally agree with this point of view. This film is based on the true events of the 1925 sled dog...

  • Sunny 2022-03-22 09:02:20

    Togo movie review

    A movie based on a true story is not as warm and funny as I thought The film of Eating Twice is uncomfortable, but I think it's worth watching. The real events are as follows: Togo (17 October 1913 to 5 December 1929) was Leonhard Seppala and The lead dog of his dog sled team traveled 264 miles in...

  • Ashly 2022-03-22 09:02:20

    born leader

    Raising a dog is a memory from a long time ago. I only remember that he had accompanied me for a short period of time in elementary school. In junior high school, because of commuting, when I went to school before dawn in the early morning, I encountered a few vicious dogs and were chased all the...

  • Tianna 2022-03-22 09:02:20

    Even though I'm not a dog lover, I'm very moved

    My rating: 8.5Film review:Togo has been a different sled dog since he was a child. He initially thought that he was not a talented dog. Unexpectedly, he was the dog king. Lao Sai began to train Togo, and finally won the first place in many competitions with Togo.Originally, what was waiting for...

  • Alvena 2022-03-22 09:02:20


    With you along the way, I am willing to suffer a little, even if I suffer a lot. I am unlucky to meet you at the best age. I heard that it's raining in the city you live in. Whether you bring an umbrella or not, I hope it's a knife. I heard that it's raining in the city you live in. Whether you...

  • Shanie 2022-03-22 09:02:20

    Togo - American Drama (9 points)

    At first, I thought that American drama films must be average. After all, the United States is better at making some action films, but this one is really good and worth watching.

    The first meeting was discussing how to get the serum in time, and Sepala expressed his approval of using airplanes and...

  • Verna 2022-03-21 09:02:38

    It's not a movie review, it's just to record memories

    "If you're lucky enough to have known a great one, they never really leave. They stay with you as long as you live. Harnessed to your heart, giving their all." deep feeling. I have raised three dogs. Although they are not expensive breeds, their feelings towards people are the same, that is, as...

  • Reba 2022-03-21 09:02:38

    Hike forward!

    True story adaptation

  • Carleton 2022-03-21 09:02:38

    Loyalty and wisdom, what kind of person matches what kind of dog

    You think I want to run across the snowfield on the front ice, but I just want to be by your side. The loyalty and warmth of animals are sometimes beyond people's imagination. Sepp's righteousness is certainly touching, but Togo's bravery and wisdom are the most amazing. The scene across the ice...

  • Wellington 2022-03-21 09:02:38

    It was Togo who identified Sep

    A true story is always easier to move people's hearts. In fact, the plot of this movie is very simple. It mainly depends on the story itself to win. The fraternity between people, the dependence and support between people and animals, these are the warm places in the hearts of the audience. , so...