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Togo Reviews

  • Norbert 2022-04-20 09:02:10

    Togo doesn't like pulling sleds, he likes me.

    Togo doesn't like pulling sleds, he likes me.

    Togo doesn't like pulling sleds, he likes me.

  • Rico 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    nothing can stop

    In a movie with not many dialogues, the most repeated words are "hike, haw, gee, stop" - the instructions issued to the dogs, but they can reverberate deeply in my ears, stirring up layers in my heart touch.

    When nature is angry under the test of extreme climatic conditions, many times we have to...

  • Lois 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    [VTALK Film Review No. 67] "Togo" - how the loyal dog who represents the keen world becomes a "leader"

    A dog and its owner, from childhood to adulthood, from birth to death, from rebellion, growth to becoming the best choice for the owner, this dog seems to be constantly working hard, and it has been endowed with human-like spirituality. The film is mainly aimed at the owner and the dog named...

  • Evans 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    Hike up

    The structure of the film is clear, with the adventurous clips of difficult terrain and the rebellious clips of Togo's childhood intertwined. We can see the present tense of 12-year-old Togo, a well-trained lead dog who is extremely loyal to the male owner; we can also see the past of Togo 10 years...

  • General 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    can't be ourselves

    The reason why we are so moved is probably because what Togo has done cannot be done by "people" like ourselves. As the old saying goes, eat what you eat. We are passionate about moving, we are passionate about love, we are passionate about dreams, mostly because they cannot happen to us. Heating...

  • Michael 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    Dog is like life

    Please indicate the original author and source when reprinting. The original author of this article is not my heart, and misappropriation must be investigated.

    In fact, I didn't feel too deeply when I watched this movie, but if I didn't write anything, I felt like I watched it in vain. Try it and...

  • Wade 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    Dog is man's best friend

    This movie made me further confirm that dogs are man's best friend. People are too complicated, dogs are very simple, if you treat them well, they will dedicate themselves to you.

    The scene in the movie that touched me the most was the snow that filled the entire valley on the way back, and Sepala...

  • Destin 2022-04-19 09:02:33

    Bad movie, too many redundant parts

    There are only a few really interesting plots. The screenwriter has to spend a lot of pen and ink on some unimportant things, trying to stir up emotions. The result is that the whole movie is boring most of the time, and the optional plot makes the audience dizzy sleep. But in general, the visual...

  • Melba 2022-03-24 09:02:50


    Togo is great

    That's why I'm depressed


Director: Ericson Core

Language: English Release date: December 20, 2019