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Togo Reviews

  • Joana 2022-08-07 13:55:17

    Togo--"Togo" who Delivered Medicine to Save People

    When it comes to Erha, everyone must think of a docile personality with his own funny skills, often silly and cute. Of course, sometimes it will be demolished inside the house, making a mess and disturbing people. Erha is the nickname of the husky, and the husky is actually a Siberian husky, a...

  • Rupert 2022-08-07 13:18:36

    Togo--Dogs are Human's Best Friend

    Among the relationships between humans and many animals, those between humans and dogs are always the ones that produce the most stories. Most of the movies about people and dogs are warm-hearted. The reason is that most of the roles dogs play in human life are limited to joyful companionship and...

  • Taryn 2022-08-03 19:01:34

    Togo--A Touching Story of Togo and Master

    The movie tells the story of the outbreak of diphtheria in Nome, Alaska. However, the city has no available vaccine reserves and can only be sent from other cities. However, due to the snow and ice weather, planes, cars, and ships cannot be used, and they can only rely on sled dogs to relay. So the...

  • Makenzie 2022-08-03 09:24:30

    Togo--Inspirational Stories Based on True Stories

    Some unpleasant things happened just after the college entrance examination. It has been a long time since a movie has touched me so deeply. It is Asai who has touched me more. From the beginning, Asai refused. Later, Asai was touched by the children's deep diphtheria engulfment and sent medicine...

  • Sister 2022-08-02 09:31:16

    Togo--Very Moving Film of People and Animal

    The relationship between man and animal may be the highest and purest emotion, as if there is no trace of impurities like pure white snow. I am also a person who is very interested and moved by animal-themed movies, and I am also very moved by the film Togo. The film is based on a true story and a...

  • Reggie 2022-06-22 10:51:48

    Togo--Togo Who Is Not Afraid Of Difficulties

    There is also a feeling that when the blizzard was so heavy that the owner could not tell the direction, Togo took the team and pulled the owner to the next inn before they survived. And when they returned to the city with the serum and crossed the strait again, the ice surface had already broken...

  • Jovanny 2022-04-23 07:03:26

    man's faithful friend

    I seldom watch movies about humans and dogs, because I like dogs very much, and there is always some sadness factor in the human and dog love in the movies. But this movie is really different and moved me.

    The protagonist of this film is a sled dog named Togo, who has gone through a lot of wind and...

  • Meta 2022-04-23 07:03:26

    Courage is always worthy of praise!

    The bravest animal in history deserves a movie to let more people know about its deeds.

  • Caitlyn 2022-04-23 07:03:26


    Focusing on the events of 1925 when sleds and sled dogs worked together to save the lives of children in Nome, Alaska, on the Serum Relay Road, dubbed the "Great Race of Mercy." The film will land on Disney's own streaming media and launch in 2019. At the end of 1924, a 2-year-old child in Nome...

  • Jazmin 2022-04-23 07:03:26

    "Togo" is a dog movie worth watching

    I watched Togo with my wife last Sunday.

    I was really moved by the little guy who was naughty and only knew how to make trouble since he was a child, and grew up to be a brave and tenacious leader dog, Togo. The most emotional part is when the owner gave the wrong order and almost made the whole...