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Tinker Bell Reviews

  • Christian 2022-12-26 12:01:42

    Disney's classic aesthetic school cute pet animation movie

    Disney's classic aesthetic cute pet animation movie. The animated characters in the film are presented realistically in 3D with colorful and splendid colors. The dreamlike animation scenes and the ingenious storyline bring the audience into a whole new world, which can be called a classic film in...

  • Deanna 2022-12-07 10:38:10

    Vanity moves the world forward

    I am a firm believer in many unreliable theories, for example, that sexuality is the driving force of human progress, for example, lazy people promote the progress of civilization. Such arguments abound. For Tinker Bell, vanity is the driving force of the world. Because of her vanity, she wants to...

  • Colleen 2022-11-25 07:35:24


    The beginning of the Tinkerbell series, a rare series in Hollywood animation in recent years! The simple plot does not fall into the vulgarity! The soundtrack is superb, especially suitable for children to watch together! The reason is not complicated, fresh and natural, suitable for all ages! For...

  • Serenity 2022-11-17 04:53:59

    Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure

    "Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure", I don't like some translations. Tinker Bell's name is translated into "Little Tinker Bell", which reminds me of Doraemon. I haven't watched an anime for a long time, so I think this movie is pretty good. The whole script deduces the world of an elf, which is...

  • Damian 2022-10-26 22:18:06

    Wonderful fairy is not amazing

    "The Wonderful Fairy" has been released several times. Generally speaking, if the box office is not good, there will be few sequels, and this series has never been heard or heard of. It should be released directly to DVD, and the target audience is for young friends. The movie also shows this. The...

  • Mae 2022-09-26 07:57:36

    Tink and me

    It's not a wonderful or philosophical fairy tale, it's ordinary, but not childish. Like her, nothing more than a faint feeling of his own appearance. Tink Bell is a very gifted tinker elf. When she knows that she can't go to the main land to create a beautiful world like her other friends, she can...

  • Brandt 2022-09-21 22:28:23

    fairy in fantasy garden

      "Have you ever wondered how nature works wonders? Who gives her light and color to exchange the seasons? Who helps creatures, big and small, to walk, float, and fly? Who completes these tiny details like hexagonal snowflakes? If you pay attention, you may see that these are the masterpieces of...

  • Brooke 2022-09-10 23:23:49

    shiny cartoon

    Recently, I have been in a very tolerant state, as if I have just replaced a new container, and I have started to accumulate thoughts and feelings again. Such a film must have been unbearable before, and there was nothing resonant from beginning to end, how could it be possible to like it. But that...

  • Nichole 2022-09-10 22:14:39

    Keep up with the imagination of the times

    The story is average, but what I find interesting is that it has been subverted a little, and the kingdom of the fairy queen has also entered the age of industrialization, in order to speed up the progress of the coming of spring. With great development in the world, technology is indeed the...

  • Sherman 2022-09-10 21:24:51

    A little gossip~

    At the earliest time, I just knew that there was such an animated character, and I didn't even know her name. Then I saw a character introduction in a magazine and some shirts designed with her as the theme, but I didn't get to know it in depth. I saw this film by chance today, and I didn't like...

Tinker Bell

Director: Bradley Raymond

Language: English Release date: October 28, 2008