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THX 1138 Reviews

  • Elda 2021-12-21 08:01:15

    "THX-1138"-a world without windows

    Before watching this movie, I didn't realize that it was an old movie made 40 years ago, but the dreamy plot made me believe that it might be telling the future. This is an escape story. The scene is a little weird, coupled with the jumping narrative method, coupled with the main black and white...

  • Darwin 2021-12-21 08:01:15

    The barrenness of society and nature

    The problem is that there is no conscious ruler. People, including robots, are performing a set of unconscious procedures. This procedure is not for the special interests of which class, nor is it that artificial intelligence gave birth to subject consciousness to rule humans. On the contrary, it...

  • Kacie 2021-12-21 08:01:15

    The barrenness of society and nature

    The problem is that there is no conscious ruler. People, including robots, are performing a set of unconscious procedures. This procedure is not for the special interests of which class, nor is it that artificial intelligence gave birth to subject consciousness to rule humans. On the contrary, it...