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Through a Glass Darkly Reviews

  • Einar 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Love and grave

    Love and Grave      -Transcribe a scene from the movie "Still in the Mirror", with a slight change. Male (monologue): I am a lonely traveler in the wilderness, and the wildfire of phosphorous accompanies me all the way to sing happy and sad, all the way Gao Ge... Female: I am a princess. My father...

  • Elroy 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Paint the ground as a prison, still in the mirror

    Painting the ground as a prison, still in the mirror. On weekends, a person quietly finished watching Ingmar. One of Bergman's business cards, "Still in the Mirror" (he has too many business cards...^_^) I had a lot of thoughts when I just finished reading it. A master is a master, and always...

  • Fredy 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Under the poetic black and white images, is the truth that makes everyone tremble

    I have always liked Bergman's films. Because in Bergman's film, you can find both the poetic dreamlike and the light of reason hidden under the narrative. From this point of view, the movie "Still in the Mirror" is still a typical Bergman-style film.

    "Still in the Mirror" is the first part of the...

  • Lisa 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    The contradiction between life and writing

    Bergman’s autobiography "The Magic Lamp" mentioned how he stood by his mother’s bed after his mother’s death: “I sat next to my mother for a few hours. Until Heideweig Iliunola’s church knocked for morning prayers. The bell rang, the light and shadow moved, and the melodious sound of the piano came...

  • Orion 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Director said

    Bergman’s "Silent Trilogy" or "Interior Drama Trilogy" ("Still in the Mirror", "Winter Light" and "Silence") created in the early 1960s marked his path of artistic development A new stage of: gradually getting rid of God and facing reality. If the father-son dialogue at the end of "Still in the...

  • Elza 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Stay away from life-threatening philosophy, go to God with Liu Xiaofeng, or stay away from God with Bergman?

    On Thursday night, World Philosophy Day, the Department of Philosophy of CUHK naturally echoed a philosophy week. The academic star teacher Liu Xiaofeng took this opportunity to advise everyone to stay away from philosophy, especially the Western Enlightenment philosophy based on Cartesian...

  • Bryce 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Thoughts on the Great Hidden Electricity Addiction

    Movie viewing experience: solemn, empty, lonely, chills, trembling, sad, graceful, frightened

  • April 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    God is in her heart, and the devil is in her heart.

    Bergman is an eternal skeptic, and faith is one of his eternal creative motifs. This complex work has a lot of room for in-depth interpretation. It is impractical for me to fully interpret the director's will. I only provide one of the perspectives of understanding! The story of the movie takes...

  • Joana 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Textual Research on the Translation of Movie Titles

    Talk about the name of the movie. Swedish is Såsom i en spegel, English translation is Through a Glass Darkly, Chinese generally has three translations: 1. "Through the Glass in the Dark"; 2. "Still in the Mirror"; 3. "Dark Shadow in the Cup" . The name of the movie comes from the "Bible" (Brother:...