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Through a Glass Darkly Reviews

  • Aaliyah 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Roger Ebert's Comment on "Still in the Mirror"

    Bergman believes that a good film art theme is always about human faces. He told me after watching Antonioni's film on TV that during an interview, he suddenly realized that it was not what Antonioni was about to attract him, but the faces of the characters. I think what Bergman is talking about...

  • Angie 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Bergman's film notes "Still in the Mirror": I would rather you be cold to the end

    1. Are Bergman's movies entertainment? I said yes. These movies have successfully achieved a kind of spiritual pleasure for me, and my thoughts are rippling. It can be called a mental touch, which is similar to a very strong sexual experience, not to mention that the one you met is still a master...

  • Erika 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Final dialogue:

    One can't live in two worlds. One has to choose. I can't go on moving from one to the other all the time. One draws a magic circle around oneself – to keep everything out that doesn't fit one's secret games . Each time life breaks the circle, the games become puny and ridiculous. So one draws a new...

  • Kassandra 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    The mind is a mirror

    Bergman used his keen eyes to probe the darkness in reality. Reality is not real, and people's hearts are unpredictable under the illusory appearance.   This kind of person seems to have a "shining", any angle in life, any short period of time, any small scene, to a sensitive person, he is like a...

  • Kimberly 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Still in the mirror of no love

    During the 89 minutes of the movie, every minute is like clear spring water flowing from the tip of the tongue. The clothing, conversation and lifestyle of Scandinavians 57 years ago, their thoughts and anxiety about life and love, brought me down. All the imagination of the movie became...

  • Peggie 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    There is no god, only spiders

    If you have watched "Shouts and Whispers", the ill woman in it, who couldn't breathe in the hospital bed, and died in the arms of the maid, you must be familiar with Karin's expression when she went crazy. The almost static facial expressions, the empty eyes, the slow suffocating rhythm-these two...

  • Elsa 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Still in the mirror

    After Bergman got married with his first wife, his movie style moved towards the interior. In my opinion, this change in film style is mixed with early literary dialogue, which forms the most typical Bergman style (some critics call it "indoor psychodrama"). In the greatest turning point of this...

  • Travon 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Everything is still in the mirror

    Everything we see today is still in the mirror, so we will have to meet ourselves face to face. Today, what I know is only part, so one day I will know everything, just as I am known by others. Now, three things—faith, hope, and kindness—are retained, but the most important of the three is...

  • Jaunita 2022-01-12 08:01:31

    Still in the mirror

    I am afraid that the existence of God has always been in our hearts. In the fixed lens, the performance of the four actors in the black and white images gave me an inexplicable feeling, as if sad, between the sister and the younger brother, and the younger brother’s youthful ignorance. Reality. It...

  • Jan 2022-01-12 08:01:31


           This is not the most emotional movie recently, but it is a movie that is very suitable for writing something. In addition, I recently had a little discussion with my friends about similar issues, so I have the right to organize my thoughts.        The translation of the film title is varied,...