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Three Women Reviews

  • Zita 2022-10-26 22:30:23

    three women a dream

    1. Resist

    Daughter, mother, and grandmother are three women. The three stages of women are all resisting men or patriarchal society. From the murals that appeared at the beginning of the movie, in my impression, the murals appeared three times in total, that is, three paintings and three contents....

  • Agnes 2022-09-29 08:26:20

    Feminist Dream

    1.3 women was 25 years earlier than Mulholland Drive, and I wouldn't believe it if Lynch never watched it. If Nolan wants to say that he never watches Japanese animation, I don't believe it, "Red Hot Chili Pepper" and "Inception", "5 Centimeters Per Second" and "Interstellar"... 2. The kindness of...

  • Brennan 2022-09-24 07:49:05

    Infatuation and spirituality unique to women

    I don't know where to start with my thoughts. The comments I saw earlier, the interpretation of the Holy Trinity and the three role reversals still deeply affect me, they are excellent. In fact, maybe I don't have much to say, it's some more subtle angles, so I try to be concise. If there is...

  • Florencio 2022-09-13 05:47:34

    three women

    The film can be divided into two parts from Pinky, the previous story Pinky is a fledgling child, Millie is a gregarious and slightly mean big sister, a lack of care and a lack of roommates come together, Willie is a silent pregnant woman painter, Pinky Adore her paintings. After being thrown into...

  • Mable 2022-08-19 03:48:57

    Holy Trinity under the Castle

    This is a fable of three women who build a "sanctuary" for humanity in the dark "castle" world.     1. This is an apocalyptic scene under Kafka's "Castle".     First, it is highly bureaucratic. The nursing home is a typical bureaucratic institution. As Millie said, "it only cares about the...

  • Pearl 2022-06-19 23:26:00

    Ahhh too slow symbol

    1. Grandma/Mother/Daughter 1. A blue calm grandma, who draws eerie pictures and explains her life experiences in a sophisticated and abstract way. 2. Yellow mother, light yellow and identified yellow, enjoy food and furniture. 3. The red-pink girl, a bottle of ketchup that was knocked over on her...

  • Amir 2022-06-19 20:43:53

    3 Women

    For me, movies are roughly divided into two types: one is to get a brief relaxation and enjoyment after watching it, to achieve its entertainment effect, and whether it is good or bad, leave it behind; the other is to be confused after watching it. I understand, but the huge expressive power of the...

  • Ima 2022-06-19 20:01:02


    This is an atypical Robert Altman movie, with no multi-line narrative, no splicing of life fragments, and no criss-crossing mise-en-scene. Altman centers the story on three women, depicting a dream, a nightmare that his grandmother had. Shelley Duvall in "The Shining" and Sissy Spacek in "Carrie"...

  • Bell 2022-06-19 18:30:03

    Learning account (06.09.24) 3 Women

    Generally speaking, the things that catch me are just by chance. I just walked into the shop opposite the community to pass the weekend, and wanted to borrow some episodes to watch. When I went to the warehouse in the attic, the number was not enough. The few DVDs in stock piqued my interest....

  • Kristina 2022-06-19 17:04:07

    Eve after being tempted by snakes to eat the forbidden fruit

    Eve was expelled from the Garden of Eden on the back of her original sin, and the woman was punished by heaven.


Three Women

Director: Robert Altman

Language: English Release date: April 29, 1977

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