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There Will Be Blood Reviews

  • Jeremy 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    Forgot to buy a gun after buying food...I will buy a gun in a few days

    There are so many hot issues these days. I don’t know if anyone has noticed such a news that has been sold. Prior to this, Dangdang had been admired by Amazon, Baidu and Tencent, but each time it was rejected by the founders Li Guoqing and Yu Yu. Maybe all kinds of mergers and...

  • Kiley 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    Not enough short reviews

    In the early 20th century, a rough and cruel epic film set against the backdrop of the American West, depicting relationships between characters in grand scenes. The scheduling of the oil well was awesome. Epic films are really difficult to shoot. I often don’t experience the sense of time and...

  • Roger 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    Oil is thicker than water

    "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not worship other gods before me. I am your Lord thy God! You cannot worship any other gods except me!" ——The first commandment in [Ten Commandments] .

  • Elenora 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    Analyze the male protagonist

    Throwing his son away, he used to be a good father, but his son wanted to set fire to kill him, and they were disappointed with each other, and no longer thought about saving him, no longer thinking about living a good life. Later, everyone satirized him. He still got his son back. At the...

  • Giovani 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    Demons are rampant, religions no longer exist

    This is a movie that has a strong reference to religion. Naturally, every work of PTA will actually rely on religion, and what it extends is the actual value of the existence of religion, and the analysis of the relationship between people and religion. Irony,   for example, in PTA's previous...

  • Evangeline 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    Bloody Hell

    Hypocritical religion is no different from witchcraft, so it would be better to tear off the mask and become an authentic businessman. Using a well-designed false identity as a way of expression is wonderful. I don't know whether this is the treatment in the original work. The oil tycoon cannot be...

  • Marcel 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    The real history of oil in the United States

    [Blood is coming] is adapted from "Petroleum" by Upton Sinclair, the most famous American left-wing writer. This work is hailed as "the true history of oil in the United States." Unlike books that focus on criticism, the film puts more pen and ink on the narrative: how a poor man became an oil...

  • Margarette 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    Not enough short reviews...

    After great stories, interesting conflicts, Daniel's personality and the dash of human hopes he experienced, he pushed himself to the opposite of everyone. He once said frankly that he was tired in such a situation, but in fact, he was enjoying it and resisted stubbornly. Finally, after he killed...

  • Arvilla 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    The blood of the lamb-lies and innocence, desire and emptiness, the mirror life of Eli and Daniel

    I recently read the original script of PTA, and I am ashamed to remember that I haven't paid tribute to this film. Among the several translated titles of this film, my favorite is "The Blood Is Coming". Compared with "Black Gold Enterprise" or "Blood Black Gold", which puts "oil" as the theme in...

  • Deondre 2022-03-21 09:01:06

    The whole article can be discussed together after watching the film

    Let's not watch the film so complicated, and ask the director directly, otherwise you will always have doubts. And you may not see the same as the director, so let’s simply interpret the film from the narration of the film.       First, Daniel is an oil worker. He adopted an orphan in a death...