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There Will Be Blood Reviews

  • Kacey 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    bloody indeed

    A movie based on Sinclaire's novel. The inner and outer conflicts of traditional human nature, characters and plots are limited to traditional categories, but Daniel. Wear. Lewis' performance is really deep and on point. Successful people exchange for the accumulation of money step by step with the...

  • Janick 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    religious literature

    I don't know who the director is. I'm not interested in checking the information. The plot introductions are all bullshit. This kind of documentary film has no plot at all. The highlight is the conflict between religion and reality. Maybe it's not a film suitable for Christians to watch The...

  • Camilla 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    exchange soul for world

    Although it lost to "No Country for Old Men" at the Oscars, the audience rating on IMDB is high for the film, which has rushed to the TOP30, which seems to explain the difference between the tastes of some judges and the audience. In fact, in terms of content and themes of performance, the two...

  • Katelyn 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    Devil? people?

    The music is awesome!  As far as the so-called "abandoning children" is concerned, it is an extremely common practice in China at present, and there is no such thing as abandonment. The expression of human nature is very real, and it is too simplistic and arbitrary for the devil who speaks the...

  • Shanny 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    how do you fix the floor yourself

    At the end of the film, the old man is lying in the floor groove, and the putty shovel is kicked and kicked. I think the old man fell asleep while repairing the floor. Look at it again, it is a bowling alley and a wine glass . .When I deleted it, I found that the blood was coming. It seems to have...

  • Sincere 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    Not for the superficial you, really

    When I was in college, my "Linguistics" teacher left me the deepest impression not of any professional theory such as "Speech Act Theory", but her first class in Shandong dialect similar to Henan dialect to all English. More than 100 people in 4 classes of the department said: "I hope everyone can...

  • Cyrus 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    black gold is god

    Daniel Day-Lewis deserves the golden statuette for "There Will Be Blood". The aging Daniel Day-Lewis is no longer the whistle-blower hippie he used to be on the ship. The innocence of the past has faded, and time has ripened this sharp-edged man. The character of Daniel Prevey, with his resolute...

  • Amanda 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    The solemnity of a great film

    Chinese aesthetes used an accurate word when describing Greek sculpture - Jingmu. This word is also suitable for Thomas's "Blood Romance", which is about the criminal history of an oil merchant in the western United States. Now think about many places It's still a little bit tricky, but you still...

  • Lacy 2022-04-19 09:01:07

    A few words after watching the film

    It's been more than ten years since I watched this film. The sky is full of scarlet, dust is flying around the old oil drilling machine, and the surrounding human environment and everything that comes with it are rough. Of course you can blame all of this. The original sins accumulated by the...

  • Enid 2022-03-22 09:01:05

    Blood is coming

    Director Paul Thomas Anderson (PTA) shot such a masterpiece when he was in his thirties, and he became the first Grand Slam director of the three major European international film festivals in film history. "Blood is Coming" that year met the Coen brothers' "Old Nowhere" can be said to be the seed...