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There Will Be Blood Reviews

  • Marquise 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Drama life under foggy silhouette

    Judging from the name of the film alone, the style of the film is more like a bloody killing movie, with a 2.5-hour timeline narrative, and there is still tension on the dramatic stage. The director is extremely bold in combining theocracy with the realistic...

  • Cheyenne 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    The evolutionary history of a lone warrior

    In the first 20 minutes, I saw a lonely male protagonist, and loneliness runs through the whole chapter, threading the needle for the storyline.

    Oil, capitalists, land... The original sin of capitalism also exposes the ugliest side of people - greed and ignorance. Greedily sell the land, greedily...

  • Katrine 2022-04-23 07:01:03


    At the beginning of capitalism, a small number of people mastered the means of production, the origin of capitalism. Wealth is the only belief, there is no moral restraint, and there is no limit to it. Any way can become a means of restraining wealth (leave room for traditional morality - family...

  • Creola 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Win or lose, you will know in the end.

    "There Will Be Blood" movie review

    This is an extremely ironic movie. Every plot and every picture is vivid and impressive. Let me talk about the most impressive clips:

  • Priscilla 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    record do not read

    The title comes from the seventh chapter of Exodus: "Egypt is full of images of the coming blood, even in wooden or stone vessels."

    The American economic depression in the early 19th century tells the story of a lonely oil prospector who made a fortune and lost his soul while chasing wealth. The...

  • Lucile 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Human nature annihilated, deviant, demons nurtured

    Bloody black gold, on the surface, there will always be people injured or even killed when mining, but it still won't stop the pace of mining.

    1. The greed, selfishness, and profit-seeking of capitalism

    The oil tycoon, in order to obtain more oil mining land, adopted a son, and used the banner of a...

  • Hilma 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Black will invade the heart

    Oil, the black gold of the world. Discovered for the first time in 1902, this is the story of the life of a rich man, Daniel (Daniel Day-Lewis), a miner who seized the opportunity to pick up wealth with his son HW and leap into the oil tycoon. But that's not the point. Taking oil as an...

  • Keagan 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    "There Will Be Blood" Memo

    In my opinion, this is a movie about human nature. The relationship map of characters is relatively less complicated, but the expression is also more nuanced. The adopted son, who is by accident, is essentially chasing pleasure but disguised as a fake indifferent to the world. The younger brother,...

  • Mandy 2022-04-23 07:01:03

    Daniel and Paul Dano's acting skills against Biao may be one of the few bright spots

    There is nothing particularly worthy of praise in the whole drama except for the acting skills. Lewis's dramas seem to be like this. They try their best to show their acting skills, but the plot is always lackluster. It's always a long time, but it never has the tight-knit feeling of Gone with the...

  • Angel 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    Blood is coming, swallowed by emptiness

    Children, brothers, faith, superstition, guardianship, jealousy. The contradictory and opposite attributes of people are purified with high precision and condensed into two and a half hours of audio-visual language.

    Structure: PTA is a director who is very good at playing with ring structures, more...