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The Wrestler Reviews

  • Winnifred 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    How can I balance my life?

    L said, "The King of Wrestling" is his favorite movie, so I watched this movie on such a boring morning, who was only interested in "doing nothing" for a long time. I thought it was full of violence and provocation. , duel, so L likes it, but this movie has more than these, but also persistence,...

  • Blaise 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    Life is just a show of flesh and blood

    I forgot where I heard such a sentence, "Either you choose life, or you are chosen by life." If Mr. Kong said this sentence, it would definitely be slapped down by people who have been pitted for a long time. Unpack it and analyze it, but unfortunately it is not, so it is still standing there...

  • Lesley 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    "The Wrestler" in Interlace

    "The Wrestler" opens with a commotion. Metal music, commentary, cheers. . . Everything looks like a hot hero action movie is about to be released. . . Then the camera turned, and the words in the lower left corner of the screen were black: 20 YEARS LATER. . . The heat was gone, and Randy was left...

  • Vinnie 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    Ember Core Afterglow (Watch "The King of Wrestling")

    The tragic color of the movie starts from the back of the flesh sitting on the chair that has begun to slump after skipping those glorious photos. Fading his former glory and leaving the cheers in front of the stage, Randy is no longer the hero, just a man kicked out of his house for not paying...

  • Brandon 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    A scene that makes my nose sour

    "When Randy out of the hospital after heart bypass surgery, is in a wheelchair, a little hesitant, after all, taken the pace of the sun from the shadows, behind the wheelchair man turned and disappeared with the wheelchair in the hospital." This lens allows the nasal cavity The feeling inside...

  • Violette 2022-03-18 09:01:02

    many digressions

    Lonely. Survive. In the past, the Chinese used the family as a unit for social organization. So, in this case, man, is not any lonely moment. Loneliness and loneliness seem to mean two different things. People can be lively with many people without being alone, but they can also be lonely at the...

  • Israel 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    Mickey Rourke - the dignity of a man!

    I used to watch ESPN wrestling when I was a kid, and the correct way to say it is wrestling. That exaggerated violence and bloody scenes deeply stimulated me. I can't imagine that there is such a cruel movement in the world, but I can't help but watch it every time. I still remember playing red and...

  • Chris 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    Professionalism kills

    The success of "The Wrestling King" is largely due to the subject matter that has already been with him - a story of a fallen hero, who has experienced loneliness and injuries, and finally regained his dignity.     But the final fate of the wrestling king is not so exciting. At the end of the end,...

  • Josianne 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Real frustration and struggle

    Let's talk about the poster first. The long-haired wrestler leaned his head on the fence of the wrestling ring, as if struggling to stand up, showing a little powerless and a little tragic. Randy in the film is like this. He struggles on the wrestling ring, struggles in life, and falls down...

  • Bennett 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Sweet Child O' Mine

    I remember that when I was a child, one day, the cable TV at home suddenly received a few more TV stations such as Phoenix TV that were not usually received, and one day I switched to the TV sports channel, and the program I saw really made me speechless when I was young. In the wrestling ring, the...