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The Wrestler Reviews

  • Natalie 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    Bad boys are getting old

    This is an Oscar for bad boys. The bad boys are getting old. Sean Penn took to the podium for the best actor, and he paid tribute to Mickey Locke more than once. When he said: You are my brother. ……welcome back. Suddenly wept.  Mickey Locke is already so ugly. So that he is like a living...

  • Elinore 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    I hope you are a brand new virgin every day

    Where should I start? For a while I hated my immaturity, before. In my opinion, immaturity and naivety are not the same concept, nor are they the opposite of mature in the popular sense. What I mean is that it’s not sophisticated enough, not sophisticated enough, not enough to pretend......

  • Nelle 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    Tears are not ashamed

    I really don't like portable cameras. The so-called "realism" is a kind of gimmick most of the time-even if a character runs fast or even flies up and down in the environment, he doesn't necessarily feel dizzy, nauseous, and vomit. As an audience, since I can’t move like him, the picture...

  • Kiley 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    You will always be my heroes

    [There are some spoilers, please read selectively] The thing I miss most is that when I was in the 6th grade of elementary school, I received Star Sports at home. Because the satellite TV sports station will play American professional wrestling-WWF every Thursday at 10 pm! ! ! To take a...

  • Kurt 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    This is not an inspirational movie

    When you think that you can change yourself, a drunkenness will reveal you; when you think that you can make up for the past, sincere tears can't bear the long-term accumulated hatred; when you think that you can start a new life, the door is just opened. A meeting is not enough for you to...

  • Jaclyn 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    Fight with your body

    He said that the junior high school moved from Norway to England, London, and went to a public school. The children are all the same, naughty, savage, and unbelievable. He thinks he is the king, thinks he is an Asian child in the stereotype, with empty eyes and right eyes. I don't know the...

  • Clotilde 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    If you can go back in time, will you still be there for me like you did when you were 20?

    The girl asked, if you stop wrestling in the future, will you continue to pay attention? I smile wryly, maybe it will. April 5, 2009, Houston, USA. Mickey Rourke did not get the Oscar winner, he can finally participate in the wrestling mania contest (WrestleMania). I have interviewed many...

  • Lura 2021-10-20 17:26:25

    The Call of the Wild——Mickey Rourke

    Movies are always like this: a miserable beginning often breeds a bright ending; and for a movie with a record of success and glory as the opening, the expectations you have for it may only be the huge shadow cast by the dazzling light. After all, with the exception of "Waiting for Godot",...

  • Emmanuel 2021-10-20 17:26:24

    Being a man is a way of no return, so there are not many real men

    Randy is a real man. This is how I feel after watching this movie. I am not saying that a man who abandons his wife and children and engages in a one-night stand outside and forgets to eat with his daughter is a man.   The shooting technique of "The Wrestler" reminded me of "Once". I used...

  • Raven 2021-10-20 17:26:05

    A struggle full of realism

        "Wrestling King" has a lot of gimmicks that I watch, such as the Golden Lion Award-winning film, but the first thing that shocked me was its poster. On the poster, the long-haired wrestler held his head down on the fence of the wrestling ring, as if struggling to stand up, showing a...