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The Visitor Reviews

  • Cheyenne 2022-03-22 09:02:19

    (Turn) Life has more than one rhythm

    I remember reading a sentence saying that if a person stays in a certain place for a long time, it is easy to be lonely and sinking. I think many people have had the feeling that the same or similar things are repeated day after day, and the original freshness and excitement are lost in the...

  • Citlalli 2022-03-22 09:02:19

    Life is a gorgeous and poignant adventure

    The loneliness makes it warm and touching , and the musical shadow that has settled in the heart is the scene where he once told about the unfairness he encountered. He said, "Actually, I'm not busy at all, I just look busy, um, pretending... this Everything has no meaning..." Life is an adventure...,

  • Dianna 2022-03-22 09:02:19

    Incapable of reality, only feelings will last forever

    At the end of the play, when Mr. Shah beat the African drum violently, he expressed his strong dissatisfaction with the reality, perhaps with self-blame and guilt. The increasingly strong drum beat hits the hearts of the audience all at once, making people feel disappointed for a long time. The...

  • Amelia 2022-03-22 09:02:19

    Those warm drum beats, burning from zero to boiling

    In this rainy winter, I was walking alone on the cold street with an umbrella. The construction site was in front of me. I had to pass through the muddy and damaged intersection, turn left, and reach a certain point. In the meantime, I was always focusing on walking while ignoring the unbeautiful...

  • Dax 2022-03-21 09:02:36

    Ordinary people can only bear

    9/11 changed a lot of people. If it didn't happen, there would be more Asian immigrants in the United States, especially in West Asia and the Middle East. But since it happened, a lot of facts have changed. As an ordinary person, we can only bear the stipulations of subjective ideology attached to...

  • Christelle 2022-03-21 09:02:36

    A visitor in life, a song to stay in life

    Walter saw the drumming in the park, and the black drummer shook his head and looked intoxicated. The partner who was in the meeting came over and made a joke. The suiting and the wildness always feel out of place, even if it's just to listen to.     People always subconsciously divide their life...

  • Bryon 2022-03-21 09:02:36

    Great irony about US immigration policy

    The reason why I recommend it has nothing to do with this topic. What I want to say is that the details of the film are very good . The Statue of Liberty in the immigration detention center Tarek casually said, "Terrorists are all rich and have a background." Cafe near the detention center The...

  • Gertrude 2022-03-21 09:02:36

    Just say hi~Please

    Since I like African tambourine very much, and I am studying hard, I must know that there is very little information on this aspect in China, and I have not seen the movie. So when a friend told me to watch a tambourine-related movie, I was very excited, so I immediately went to the Internet to...

  • Tamia 2022-01-06 08:02:20

    Who is better than who

    A typical movie in which a lonely, selfish and indifferent person has been rejuvenated by some people because of encounters with some people. The difference is that this movie involves a fairly current and sensitive topic in the United States, terrorism. The idea of ​​this group of people should be...

  • Kiley 2022-01-06 08:02:20

    Love is so strong that only system can tear us apart

    "Love is so strong that only death can tear us apart... oh no, only system can tear us apart!" "According to 2007 data, 1 million immigrants enter the United States each year, and 35 million immigrants live in the United States. , This should not include legal immigrants. In 2007, 280,000...