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The Straight Story Reviews

  • Marcel 2022-03-24 09:01:54

    Looking back at life with the eyes of an old man

    When we have reached the twilight of life, what is the most important thing? The old man is a tough guy. He has gone through many storms, so he can light an old cigarette leisurely and watch the lightning and thunder, and dare to sleep alone in the fields overnight, but wherever he goes At the...

  • Seamus 2022-03-24 09:01:54

    Mr. Streeter's Story: Rewriting Mr. Streeter

    Text / Fleeting World This film was written once earlier, but it is a running account. A netizen said to me that you must watch the movie before reading your review, otherwise it will be boring to watch it again. I also discovered this problem later. In fact, the teacher also commented on the...

  • Reid 2022-03-24 09:01:54

    the courage to walk away

    I used to listen to the song "I Want to Go to Guilin". When I have no money, I have time, and when I have money, I have no time. It truly expresses our helplessness towards the outside world. But in fact, as long as you go out, nothing can stop you. This is my inspiration for watching "Mr....

  • Stephany 2022-03-24 09:01:54

    too simple

    This is perhaps the least ambitious David Lynch movie, the most simple one. (laughs)    I'm afraid that as soon as I open my mouth, I'll fall into some kind of cliché, such as tenderness, tears, and touching.    "Mr. Streeter's Story" is not the kind of film that relies on dramatic conflict to...

  • Amos 2022-03-23 09:01:57

    The worst thing of being old...

    Is to remember when you were young Old american cowboy, wrincled eyes full of wisdom, white beard, bottles of beer, and of course the cowboy hat. I don't know since when I became this wild adventure guy, but I know that when I'm old, I'm definitly gonna be one of those men, who cannot stand staying...

  • Bernard 2022-03-23 09:01:57

    What do we think about when we are old

    For a long time, when the weather is good, go out for a walk, the old street and the old house, and the old man or the old lady is sitting at the door. Snuggle up in the sun on a chair, maybe put an extra thin blanket over your lap in winter, and cool off in summer. There is no expression, no...

  • Demarcus 2022-03-23 09:01:57

    Mr. Streeter's Story: A Family Journey That Never Ends

    Text / When  I talk about David Lynch, I have to mention his CULT style. I believe that most people have appreciated "Mulholland Drive". The plot of the dream in the film makes people feel lost. Afterwards, I also watched several other films, the overweight taste in "Eraser Head", the weird style...

  • Ona 2022-03-23 09:01:57

    Time can kill my body, but not my will

    In fact, I saw this film a long time ago, and I was amazed on the spot, and I even cried when I saw the last scene. I saw someone mention it two days ago, so I read it again. The mood is different, the feelings are also different, and I cried the whole scene. Go to Google and find that this really...

  • Ayden 2022-03-23 09:01:57

    when you get old

         "What's the most unpleasant thing about old age?"   "It's just remembering when I was young and strong."   If I were to imagine my life after entering old age, I would blurt it out, read a book and drink tea. I have never had a quixotic feeling, and I look forward to staying in good looks or...

  • Ahmad 2022-03-23 09:01:57

    Sunset and Writing Poems

    After a person is satisfied, he begins to look for something else to fill it up. is for vain. Or if you don't even have enough food, you start to seek these other things, for the poet. A mediocre person, one day suddenly felt great respect for the world, and was suddenly occupied by some strong...

The Straight Story

Director: David Lynch

Language: English Release date: November 3, 1999