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The Straight Story Reviews

  • Casper 2022-06-15 16:15:53

    The Straight Story--Retrieving Your Own Starry Sky

    This is the story of one man transforming and integrating shadows. What Mr. Street saw and heard on the road was his process of integrating the shadows and his mental journey. Personality shadows a person's conscious self, just like brothers who were siblings in childhood. Originally, they had a...

  • Cara 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    peaceful mind

    When people drive the advanced vehicle past him, what arise in his mind? At my age, I am in a hurry, I don't know why. Years ago, I think I can recognize the inelegant life of hasty, however when I grow old and take some responsibility, I lose the calmness and peaceful mind. There are 7 part in the...

  • Keenan 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    This heart is as deep as the starry sky

    An old World War II veteran drives a 5K per hour lawn mower to visit his long-lost brother. The different people you meet along the way, the kindness you receive and give to others. A lifetime of memories when alone and in conversations with strangers. A daughter with a mental retardation who...

  • Gust 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    and life reconciliation journey

    Driving a weeding truck, traversing 360 kilometers, building a bonfire in the field at night, roasting a liver sausage for dinner, meeting a girl who ran away from home, and telling a story about a bundle of firewood. Sometimes I meet a middle-aged woman who always bumps into a deer and watch her...

  • Jillian 2022-04-23 07:02:11

    Long-lost movie - "The Straight Story" 1999

    This movie, released in 1999, has no dazzling special effects, no bizarre and twisted plot, but it still touches countless people today. The plot is smooth and simple, the soundtrack is melodious, and the road movie with vast scenes has ingenious plot twists.... 

  • Payton 2022-04-23 07:02:11

    To spare for the last imperatives of life

    The dust that was raised by the hurried walks of the past

    Finally become the soil that settles after staggering

  • Frances 2022-04-23 07:02:11

    American Odyssey

    The teacher played it for us at the cinema. A warm road movie, based on a true story, when an old man named Straight heard that his brother who quarreled and ran away when he was young was injured, he used a modified garden farm vehicle to go from Iowa to Wisconsin. Attributed to good stories....

  • Haylee 2022-04-23 07:02:11

    One brush and two brushes

    One brush: I didn't expect to see a road movie with a lawnmower on.

    We all have a Don Quixote in our hearts, waiting for another Don Quixote to wake up.

    Chat with me for a while, don't be nervous, it's nothing to be seen through, the deep night, the twinkling stars, the bonfire that lights and...

  • Sarai 2022-04-23 07:02:11

    I am most afraid of traveling around the world and discovering that there is no such person

    Picturesque scenes, gentle soundtracks, and the roar of bulldozers slowly accompany the elderly with inconvenient legs. Along the way, there are young girls, good-hearted people, quarrelsome brothers, and old people who have experienced war together. The heaviest load in the world has always been...