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The Steamroller and the Violin Reviews

  • Syble 2022-10-13 05:39:04

    Question: Does the conversation about war mean anything else?

    The little boy asked the road roller if he had ever experienced a war. The road roller replied, "Yes, when you were your age," and the little boy added, "That must be scary, right?"

    What is the special meaning of this conversation, gentlemen? And is the red screen that appears many times in the film...

  • Greyson 2022-10-07 08:54:45

    Short and rich

    The length of this film is very short, only 43 minutes, but every minute of the film is very important, so tight that I cannot breathe a sigh of relief. The film has a little Italian neo-realism style with very little dialogue; it also has a style like the Hungarian film "The Chronicle of First...

  • Jennifer 2022-09-30 05:24:46

    The intersection of industry and music

    Directed by Tarkovsky, this film is a pure friendship that sprouts from different classes or classes. From the perspective of a child learning violin Shesha, the film reflects the sprout of friendship in the social nature of different classes in Russian society at that time. A severe torture of the...

  • Hillary 2022-09-29 03:27:45

    Same as Aries

    If a flower of love blooms alone in a stream or highland in the French countryside, it makes sense for the time being. But in the vast and remote Russia, the new wind blows off the petals and leaves only the vigorous grass. These strong grasses are small and easy to be cut off and forgotten. Life...

  • Richie 2022-09-19 05:30:57

    Feel free

    I'm a vulgar person, I don't understand rhythm, I don't care about music theory, my hands are full of oil, but I still love life, I distinguish good sounds and listen quietly. Road rollers and violins, workers, musicians, faint hints of class, pure and moving friendship, vague movie viewing,...

  • Jaleel 2022-09-14 23:00:22

    Take me across the world, just like that reflection

          He walked out of the music classroom dejectedly, and under the pale sky, the play of poor children around him had nothing to do with him. You are generous, you let him get acquainted with a kind-hearted proletarian worker, and you let him teach him to drive the road roller, which made the kid...

  • Reginald 2022-09-09 16:37:07

    Movies, time and experience

    Time does not disappear without leaving a trace. It resides in our memory. When the audience watches a movie, what they want is to recall the time that has passed from the experience of the movie characters, or to fill the gaps in their own life experience. Elapsed time is the trace left in the...

  • Elbert 2022-09-09 13:36:50

    Каток и скрипка

    It’s still tarkovskij, his debut work "Road Roller and Violin" at 5 pm The    master’s debut is quite childlike (it doesn’t feel like a debut), but the demeanor of a generation of masters is vaguely reflected in this short film of less than 50 minutes. Ta's work, this should be the easiest work for...

  • Dane 2022-09-03 05:07:45

    The road roller failed to carry the violin, and the violin failed to hit the road roller

    A big boy who is as tall, handsome, stable and practical as a road roller, and a little boy who is as small, cute, romantic and innocent as a violin. It seems that when I was young, I also heard the warning that "he has such poor grades is definitely not a good boy, you still have to have choices...

  • Rhett 2022-08-21 16:47:21

    "Road Roller and Violin"

    I have never seen a Tarkovsky movie until today. I started my Tarkovsky cinematography marathon with his directorial debut, Roller and Violin. The film is only around 45 minutes long, but what it has accomplished in that time clearly shows the beginnings of one of the most acclaimed filmmakers of...