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The Seventh Continent Reviews

  • Chris 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Hanake's puppet show

    Hanake's footage is "inhuman". In the cold tones, the human soul has lost its vitality. The subjectivity of the characters is deliberately "cropped", just like Kafka's K, who is not anyone but everyone. So they became a symbol, a symbol of the middle class, and then morphed into a cyclical sequence...

  • Karl 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    cut off signal

    As the first part of the "Glacier Trilogy", this film has a mixed temperament of "Jeanne Dillman" and Bresson's later image style. The repeated daily routine is exactly the same as that of "Jeanne Dillman", while a large number of partial close-ups such as hands, food, tools and destroyed items...

  • Damien 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Doing the Right Thing: The Films of Michael Haneke

    Press: Work provides an important help for the shaping of social order. Stable work means a predictable rhythm of life, and it may also mean a cycle of repetition. Does total known and controllable allow homogeneity to erode everything, leaving possibility nowhere? This may be one of the triggers...

  • Chris 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Escape the emptiness of life and go to the "Seventh Continent"

    If the word count exceeds the short review rule, write a very short film review ;)

    From this film, Haneke established the gloomy and gloomy tone of the Glacier trilogy, and began to express his shots with dense partial close-ups, black transitions, voiceovers and fractured narratives....

  • Manuel 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Everyone is a flea on a one-way street

    Death is an eternal topic that the art world is keen to express. Michael Haneke, the genial-looking bearded man who mentions his films in interviews and smiles at times, makes it difficult to associate him with the moniker of the director of Glacier violence. Under his leadership, all the audiences...

  • Cheyenne 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    The best film directors of the year

    Who is the most beautiful film director this year? James Cameroon of 'Avatar' who broke the box office record? No, it's Michael Haneke from The White Ribbon.  If you want to comment on the most beautiful film director this year, Austrian Mike Haneke is definitely well-deserved. You can not know...

  • Lane 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Counter example of interval theory

    Unfortunately, this film well exposes the problems of Brecht's interval theory being subjectively interpreted and given to actual execution. The shady interval brings incalculable emotional alienation, which makes the film take form as its ontology for granted. However, the excessive dismemberment...

  • Krystal 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Only snow screens and beaches

    Only the snow screen and the beach in Australia. Movie とはリズムだから. People は behavior に Binding ら れ る, life and は behavior の 総合だ. What is it? だ か ら ら は Movie の よ う な Breaking Action を fetch る の だ. こ れ を liberation no た め の act and も べ る だ ろ う. だ が こ の movie は ら に と っ て は liberation で は な い, part of...

  • Tamara 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    He's His Own God: Haneke and the Glacier Trilogy

    An article about the movie "Glacier Trilogy" written in March this year should be posted in the comment area of ​​"The Seventh Continent". Most of the quotes are from the interview book "Haneke on Haneke". This book has also recently been released in the mainland Chinese version. Those who are...

  • Alphonso 2022-03-16 08:01:01

    Where is the far place we want to go?

    The film is dull, slow, and suffocating. A seemingly harmonious and happy family has a lot of depression. This repression comes from the repetition, ease, and monotony of life. When people have more and more months, they lose the taste of happiness. Seeing the end, my heart is cold. I don't know...

The Seventh Continent

Director: Michael Haneke

Language: German,French,English Release date: October 9, 1992