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The Secret Reviews

  • Colt 2022-09-15 14:28:06

    Success motto

    Watching this film is influenced by Li Xinpin, because I have been exposed to various success studies and inspirational books since I was a child. The more magical things are, the more suspicious they are. But still watched. Positive Mindset, Carnegie, Idealism, Osho, Now is the Law of Attraction....

  • Ubaldo 2022-09-14 21:54:31

    why i didn't like this movie

    When I watched this film, it seemed that it was still in 2009. At that time, I saw a person watching this on the Internet and raised a doubt, so I went to watch this documentary in order to answer this doubt. After watching it, my first feeling was that this was unscientific and irrational, so I...

  • Katlynn 2022-09-10 21:48:53

    Believe? Do not believe?

    You can see a lot of reviews about this movie ranging from one to five stars, because of believing or not believing, they choose good or bad. Because I believe!    Many times we are reluctant to believe, and even give ourselves a lot of reality and coldly dig out the reasons for not believing. But...

  • Vern 2022-09-10 19:13:33

    The Law of Attraction: Mystery or Illusion?

    This is an article with "good luck". For various reasons, it was posted on the blog twice and then deleted. Now it is reposted. It's a pity that there are many wonderful comments from friends in the past.     In addition, this article has been cited as a preface by a book "The Secret of The...

  • Angel 2022-09-10 16:13:41

    A bowl of magical chicken soup

    From Li Xinpin's book on creative life, I saw that suddenly someone in the circle of friends posted a few seconds of video clips, so I specifically looked for resources to watch. The title of station b is attached: pure materialists be careful... After a while, you will understand how friendly the...

  • Deja 2022-09-10 15:35:07

    Where has the scientific spirit gone?

    The pseudo-scientific nature of the film becomes apparent when one of the guys in the film says "I never knew what electricity works, all I know is when I press a switch and the light bulb turns on." The above problem is exactly what most popular science workers are troubled by, that is, people are...

  • Katelyn 2022-09-10 15:12:41


    Destiny is made by ourselves, and the situation is changed by our heart. Our views and thoughts on a matter lead to the measures we will take, the road we choose, and the road we choose will directly affect what we will gain in the end. That is to say, Our thoughts and feelings create our own...

  • Dorthy 2022-09-10 11:38:27

    Say you can do it, you can do it

    Watched this movie for no reason. The most exciting thing is that I can finally understand without reading the subtitles, haha. Thinking about it, it's not that my ears have improved, or that this piece uses the simplest language to tell the simplest truth. Believe in yourself and be positive about...