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The Secret Reviews

  • Mabelle 2022-10-12 06:37:46

    Breaking The Secret and Several Paradoxes of the Law of Attraction

    After reading this book, I was troubled for a long time. The main point of this book is to say: as long as you believe that you can do something, it will be done. The book proclaims, “There is only one reason why anyone is short of money, and that is because their thinking blocks the source of...

  • Destin 2022-10-11 07:22:48

    they are not fairies

    First of all, the uncles and aunts who came out are definitely not the extras that some people say. Gray-haired Jack Canfield, for example, is the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul. The style of shooting may be a bit magical, and some people will be disgusted when they see it. I personally think...

  • Rosario 2022-10-09 08:45:03

    Will the world change because of you?

    I'm not a pure idealist, but I'm not a materialist either. I tend to think that the world is mysterious and unknown and that we cannot understand and control our destiny. Half of the law of attraction is truth. If you get up in the morning in a bad mood, the probability of something going wrong...

  • Brown 2022-10-07 23:20:52

    Please bring all the good to you

    By chance, I knew about the documentary "The Law of Attraction", and I watched it during my lunch break to pass the time. I think I believe in absolute science. I will be very rational about this type of brainwashing chicken soup, and will only absorb the approved and scientific basis. I...

  • Guy 2022-10-07 17:52:38


    You are the work of your life, you are the Michelangelo of your life

    The universe is like a catalog, you can click on what you want to experience

  • Katlynn 2022-10-07 12:17:49

    very good

    Bring me new knowledge. I feel good.

    The point of view in the movie is very good, I think it is very suitable for practice and use in life. This leads us to live a life of abundance, harmony, happiness, contentment and gratitude. Healthy, creative, courageous, life of faith. Believe that your inner...

  • Norberto 2022-10-07 10:05:52


    The biggest feeling of watching "Natural Law" is that it is not like a movie. If a movie is a novel, then it is more like a prose. People are constantly sharing their insights, their stories, and constantly citing small stories or famous quotes to support it. It should be based on a similar...

  • Annabelle 2022-10-07 02:26:53

    "Secret" (2015.05.16)

    Great documentary. Law of Attraction: Change your way of thinking, think of the positive, and stay in a good mood. Your thoughts and feelings today are creating your future. Start feeling healthy, rich, and surrounded by love now, and then the outside world will respond to your feelings and show it...

  • Antonia 2022-10-02 14:48:08

    Amazing at first glance: A review of The Secret's laws of nature

    The three laws of nature:  Law of Attraction Resonance at the same frequency, and the same quality attracts each other.  Law of Deliberate Creation You get the  Law of Allowing you focus on. Let go of the desire to manipulate and control others and the environment, allow yourself to be yourself,...

  • Lilla 2022-10-01 22:41:28

    The Secret

    Strictly speaking, this is more of a TV show than a movie. In fact, the so-called secret, the law of attraction, is not attractive. Logical ambiguity, limited explanatory power, and lack of arguments. And to be honest, the whole movie was a bit long. It seems to me that it is an attempt to combine...