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The Salesman Reviews

  • Emmanuel 2022-04-19 09:02:29

    Delicate emotions are greater than novel themes

    In the past two days, I finished watching this year's two Oscar-winning works, "Moonlight" and "The Salesman." Personally, I think the latter is better than the former, no matter from any point of view. And emotional handling, in my opinion, is the biggest difference between the two.

    After reading...

  • Florian 2022-03-29 09:01:05

    The reincarnation of the survival dilemma

    Farhadi's most flat has always been a bright window for Iranian films, combining documentary aesthetics and dramatic aesthetics ingeniously, so that it can not only closely adhere to the spiritual connotation and value pursuit of realism style, but also maintain suspense and dramatic conflict, so...

  • Alex 2022-03-29 09:01:05

    ingeniously ingenious

    1. At the very beginning of the film, my first feeling was chaos. From the shaking of the handheld camera to the movement of the hero and heroine, I could feel the complexity of the environment.

    2. The male protagonist initially gave me the same impression as the male protagonist in Manchester by...

  • Colleen 2022-03-29 09:01:05

    Decent indecent

    A male teacher tried to embarrass his wife who was accidentally injured in a decent intellectual way, but under multiple constraints, he reversed his active and passive relationship with the culprit. His wish failed, and he eventually lost his wife's love.

    Asghar Farhadi's films often depict the...

  • Alisha 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Unsolved moral choices under the shaking camera

    2017-6-11 Shanghai Film Archive

    Forgiveness or revenge? Sympathy or blame? The movie will direct the camera to the victim. When the person who hurt you is not intentional, and is already old and infirm, should you choose to forgive, or expose his true colors in front of everyone, and let him be...

  • Lea 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Iran still has a long way to go

    Farhadi is unique in his interpretation of moral dilemmas. Just as "A Farewell" finally ended in "The Koran", this movie actually ended in "Tolerance". But I feel that Farhadi is not trying to discuss "tolerance", but to show a uniqueness of Islamic society. Whether it is "A Farewell" or "The...

  • Jalyn 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    hatred kills a person

    Amad taught literature at the school, and with his wife, Lana, appeared in the troupe's play "Death of a Salesman." Borrowing a suite from a friend of the theatre troupe, because of the illusion caused by the previous female tenant and the wife's misunderstanding, a man entered the house, walked...

  • Delia 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Turn: The most talented Asghar Farhadi, the most real "Iranian marriage" terminator

    Original 2017-03-20 Helen Director Help Director Help

    Five years later, "The Salesman" directed by Iranian director Asghar Farhadi won the Best Foreign Language Film award again. The last award-winning film was "A Farewell" in 2012. Regardless of whether Farhadi attended the Oscars, or whether the...

  • Bryana 2022-03-28 09:01:07


    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

    "How can a man become a cow?" "It does so slowly." Why do Iranians always pronounce "BMW" as "BMV"? This town is a disaster. If possible, it should be razed and rebuilt. Without you in...

  • Dandre 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Hate that old man! ! !

    Ignore the main thesis about men and women. Among them, the one who thinks the worst and most annoying is the old man. He is obviously wrong, but he is very selfish and refuses to admit it for his so-called reputation, and let this mistake punish the hero and heroine. On the one hand, he felt that...