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The Rhythm Section Reviews

  • Juliana 2022-11-02 20:41:16

    Are film reviews without pictures generally not read? Pan Yue just wants to review the level 4 word "RHYTHM"

    Movie name: "the rhythm section" (self-translation: a part of life with rhythm/beat) Involvement: black, violence, good and evil, transnational (politics), money (consortium), family, innocent children and people, Vengeance, redemption, help and other beliefs or attitudes or attitudes, rings,...

  • Keven 2022-09-23 01:52:15

    Difficult detachment

    I like British movies more and more. The simple, direct and meticulous depiction of the inner feelings and transformation process of the characters is quite real. Watching the movie feels like observing myself or the people and things around me.

    Everyone has their own unique rhythm of life, and they...

  • Lurline 2022-05-05 06:01:02

    Rookie Hunting

    A long time ago, when I saw the English name "The Rhythm Section" of "Rhythm Section", I was always wondering why an action movie was named after such a name. It may be due to the original work, or it may be the commander. The finishing touch of this movie.

    After watching the movie, I seem to have...

  • Deon 2022-05-05 06:01:02

    The plot is more realistic

    As a female spy movie, although the action is not as exciting as "Cold City", the plot is not as gorgeous as "Cardinals", and it does not have the sense of humor of "Terminal", but it is more realistic. ——Because in reality, no woman can beat a man with a ball under his crotch, and it is...

  • Eliseo 2022-05-05 06:01:02

    From anticipation to disappointment, to thinking.

    When the trailer came out, I was still looking forward to it. For so many years, it is quite rare for action movies with women to be really successful.

    An action movie that both men and women can appreciate, even if it is a cool action movie, it is also exciting.

    Unfortunately, it is the old saying,...

  • Wendy 2022-05-05 06:01:02

    "Rhythm Group": The reality tragedy strengthens the tragic color behind the story

    As we expected, it is indeed very similar to Ghana's "Peppermint", but it is closer to reality, especially after the plane was shot down and crashed recently, which made people even more lamented about the impermanence of the world. Behind every revenge is tragedy, but revenge itself may cause more...

  • Kaleigh 2022-05-05 06:01:02

    Revenge of the Brothel Woman

    Film Review Chapter 556 "Rhythm Group"-The Revenge of the Brothel Woman

    The action mystery film "Rhythm Group" premiered in the United States on January 31.

The Rhythm Section

Director: Reed Morano

Language: English,French,Arabic,Spanish Release date: January 31, 2020