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The Pursuit of Happyness Reviews

  • Nigel 2022-04-19 09:01:06


    The first movie I watched in 2007, I didn't expect it to be such an inspirational movie. I've seen a lot of Will Smith's fierce battle movies. This may be one of the few that he has transformed into.     At the beginning of the movie, Will Smith showed extraordinary thinking ability. The reason why...

  • Briana 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    At the lowest point, the high point is not far away

    After the college entrance examination, I went back to my old high school and prepared to repeat my studies. I met new friends and a girl , and my father took me back after 5 days of preparing to spend a year like this . . . I went to college~ I remember when I left, the head teacher of the...

  • Trevion 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    Watch "When Happiness Knocks on the Door"

    Chirs is an unfortunate man. He used all his savings to buy a bunch of bone scanners that couldn't be sold. He ran every day trying to sell them. Without money, he couldn't pay the rent, and he couldn't let his children get well. kindergarten...the wife left him, the landlord kicked him out,...

  • Constantin 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    Pursue hard, happiness knocks on the door

    A salesman who made a living by selling medical equipment, the pressure of his wife's unbearable life left him, and later he chose the industry of stockbrokers, from extreme failure in life to gradual success of stockbrokers, this is a reminder. A progressive movie. When playing basketball with his...

  • Violette 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    When happiness knocks on the door - my afterthought

    "When Happiness Comes Knocking", I just liked the name at first. When happiness comes knocking, it's such a warm six words. I just ask myself over and over again: When happiness knocks on the door, can I open the door immediately and keep him? ? Or did he just stop by, stop for a while, get up to...

  • Adelle 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    Happiness will knock on the door

    We often ask, what is happiness and where is it? Often the mouth moves too much but makes people stop. Happiness really doesn't fall from the sky. Sudden happiness can be so unreal, beautiful and fragile. In "When Happiness Comes Knocking", the cave that is used as a game with his son is actually...

  • Aryanna 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    there will always be a god

    One of the jokes about God in the film goes like this: A devout drowning man hopes God can save him. A boat passed and he refused to be rescued, saying, God will come and save me. The second ship passed again, and he still refused to be rescued for the same reason. The drowning man later drowned....

  • Cyrus 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    Happiness always knocks on the door

    I still remember watching this movie at that time, it really touched me. Maybe everyone will have this experience as if everything in life is not going as expected, and fate is against you everywhere.

    As for Chris in that film, he couldn't pay the rent, and his wife left him. He could only take...

  • Johnathan 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    Efforts may not achieve goals, but efforts must have results

    Everyone should have a dream and persevere to work hard for the dream

    Maybe this film is an ideal American dream

  • Allan 2022-04-19 09:01:06

    When happiness knocks on the door

    In my opinion, all his hard work, all tears, all running, all seemingly futile efforts are adding up to future happiness. When people can't do something, they will tell you that you can't either, and many people stop on the road to their dreams because they believe these words that break their...