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The Past Reviews

  • Dejon 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    No answer

    This is the most complicated movie of the year. The departure of the Iranian husband, my guess is that the feeling of returning to the hometown and cultural soil (as can be seen from the Persian dialogue between the coffee shop owner and him), and the wife did not let him explain, because, to no...

  • Jan 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    Movie notes-the end of the truth

    1. I have been following this movie since Cannes, but I didn't know that the story took place in France. So when the heroine Marie appeared at the beginning, I was surprised that Iranian women can now not wear a hijab?   2. I like Ashar Fahadi's movies very much, because he makes me feel...

  • Dewayne 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    "Le Passé": Remarrying Disturbance Past Le Passé (2013) Past Le Passé (2013) This is a new art film released this year. I see more Hollywood movies and commercials After that, you need to change the taste. The film tells about a family conflict caused by a woman remarrying. In...

  • Vito 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    The mystery of life

    "A Farewell" made people get to know Iranian director Askha-Fahati, and the theme of "divorce" seems to have become his iconic symbol and the most handy narrative perspective. This year's new film "The Past" tells another "parting" story. Like famous works, it has the most plain narrative tone and...

  • Camilla 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    Apart from children, who else can you trust? A Brief Analysis of the Characters in "The Past"

    "Farewell" directed by Farhati last year left a deep impression on me. This year's "The Past" is more literary, lengthy and trivial, but it fits my appetite for detail control. Friends who like short, flat and fast commercials can ignore you. I definitely can't stand it. The story revolves around...

  • Ressie 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    Others are hell?

    The new work of Ashar Fahati, director of "A Farewell", has many similarities in narrative style with "Once", but the rhythm is slower, so it needs the patience of the audience more; it draws away from the complicated politics and Religious background focuses more on the interaction between people....

  • Tanner 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    "The Past" is slightly dull and trivial

    Compared with "A Farewell" which is light and meaningful, "The Past" is a bit dull and trivial. The works of the same Iranian director Asha Fahadi are so original and authentic to present social reality. The shock brought by "A Farewell" is more intuitive and deeper-the babysitter asks whether it...

  • Marianna 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    "The Past"

    It is also the subject matter that Asghar Farhadi is good at. The condensed characters are intertwined into a complex but extremely clear relationship, which produces a wonderful chemical effect. Everyone is trying their best to control their own destiny, but their path is more or less influenced...

  • Bobby 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    The love that is restored by the truth

    I am willing to make this film a sequel to a parting. After parting, a couple met again because of some funeral affairs. At this time, the woman had a new partner and she was pregnant with each other's child. This involved the tense relationship between Lucy and Samir and the truth about Samir's...

  • Rupert 2021-12-28 08:01:54

    The end of the past, the beginning of the future?

    If there is no "Farewell", I believe "The Past" will not lose the primary list of Oscars for Best Foreign Language Films. But from another perspective, Fahati has already shot the classic "A Parting", so it doesn't matter whether "The Past" is better or not, after all, the latter can be regarded as...