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The New Pope Reviews

  • Clifford 2022-10-16 18:44:01

    the NEW pope is finally the director's tangled happiness choice

    【There are spoilers! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

  • Eryn 2022-10-10 22:32:32


    Let's start with the conclusion: no unfinished, no unreasonable.

    The whole play discusses love and fanaticism, conservatism and fraternity, moderation and self-acceptance.

    Laney struggles between conservatism and fraternity, not so much a heart attack as an inability to reconcile with himself and the...

  • Clarabelle 2022-10-07 11:17:09

    "THE NEW POPE" film review, about several female characters in the play

    There are many people who complain about Esther. They feel that her life is tragic enough that nothing good has happened to her. She actually doesn't want to harm others.

    This character is actually very successful, and several women compared with her have their own characteristics and destiny.


  • Edwin 2022-10-05 02:51:32

    The paradox of the Pope's game, the 'title of eternity' is a triumph of the past over the future

    You and I are all mortals! When one day you find that you are the protagonist of the world's most successful story "religion", then you will not be satisfied with "unimportant" entertainment such as literature, movies, and music. How to narrate the protagonist of this story? As a mortal, this...

  • Trudie 2022-10-03 01:58:28

    another redemption

    In the first season, the Vatican version of the palace fight was promoted, and the result was that the Pope was looking for his parents. Season 1 saw the Pope basking in the garden in a fluttering white robe, and the whole atmosphere of winter in Season 2 turned gloomy. Usually the first season...

  • Rowan 2022-09-30 21:19:00

    John Paul III's Speech, EP09

    Sorrow has no hierarchy.

    Suffering is not a sport.

  • Katrine 2022-09-18 13:11:20

    The Pope is always up to date

    Bold, solemn, ancient and serious, radically modern.

    It seems like never before has a show brought us so close to our present religion. The Italian director teamed up with Jude Law and John Malkovich to create an unmistakable piece of art.

    Yes, the TV series is made into art, language, religion,...

  • Sincere 2022-09-17 10:18:41

    For Girolamo

    Love your neighbor as yourself, Jesus says. I only have one neighbor, you Girolamo.

    With Girolamo, I spent many a simple, serene hour. We didn't need to do grandiose things in order to be happy. We didn't need to make grand speeches, because between friends, silence is golden. Why I did ask you all...

  • Harmon 2022-09-15 20:16:31

    Faith and Confusion in the City of God

    Nobody loves Rome more than Paolo Sorrentino. In his video world, "Eternal City" always presents an indescribable charm, ancient and modern, decadent yet energetic, and hopeless in depression. From La grande Bellezza (La grande Bellezza), Italian-born Sorrentino brings Rome back to the world's...

  • Therese 2022-09-13 23:43:54

    About John

    John is actually a vampire right now. He kept exporting his story, his emotions, for others to take over, but he didn't show real, concrete love and trust in his behavior, and when he asked the black nun, he also said "I trust you" (actually no, but he said yes ), "then do you trust me" (again...