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The Mudge Boy Reviews

  • Abbie 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    Only you understand my pain

    March is his mother's good boy, he has no friends, and his mother is everything to him. He is very attached to his mother. After her mother passed away, he can only miss her from the cock that her mother loved and wear her mother's clothes. Dad hurt him very much, but very depressed. Dad's love was...

  • Priscilla 2022-03-15 09:01:10

    Everyone has something that stands out, strange as it may be.

    As a boy who lost his mother at an early age, it is unlikely that he will grow up like a normal boy. He has lost his only support. Of course, he does not consciously want to seek support, and finally he becomes a support. March wants to be loved, but it's so hard, so he just wants to be treated...

  • Elinore 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    The ending can bring two people closer in the future

    I personally like this movie very much, even though the movie is from 2003, I just accidentally saw it recently!

    [Duncan direction] : I personally think that Duncan cannot be directly defined as straight or curvy. He is at the age of 14 or 15, and he grew up on a rural farm with a small population....

  • Sonia 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    let me hug you gently

    Let me hug you gently once, Mudge! Your crush has let you down... let me hug you softly, Mudge! The ones you treated kindly ended up hurting you deeply... let me hug you softly, Mudge! Ignorance people will only laugh at your naive behavior... Let me hug you softly, Mudge! Your mind will never be...

  • Harrison 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    No innocent child should be classified as an outlier

    Let me state my opinion first: in this movie, neither March nor Perry are 'faggot'. Judging from March's character, his mother must love him very much and protect him since he was a child, so that he is not affected Immersion of the external environment. After she died, the only thing left for...

  • Stuart 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    Biting off the head of a chicken is the end of self-introduction.

    I stumbled upon this movie by accident, and after watching it, I have mixed feelings in my heart. At the beginning of the movie, seeing this boy dressed as his mother and staggering on a bicycle, I feel so inexplicable, but at the same time there is a vague pain lurking in my heart, this is a...

  • Lexus 2022-01-27 08:24:08


    At the beginning of the movie, I was shocked by the scene where the male protagonist was performing a raw chicken's head, so I almost gave up on the later movies to slowly unfold the male protagonist's story. Only then did I learn that the male protagonist's strange behavior was taught to him by...

  • Mireille 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    Big scum attack

    Obviously the male protagonist is gay. After the death of his mother, he suffered from his father's anger alone. For example, he deliberately told him to sell his favorite chicken, killed his favorite chicken in front of him, and liked animals. It was love at first sight that a spiritual...

  • Willow 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    Some thoughts on watching March Boys late at night

    The scene of the father and son hugging at the end is quite touching. The father endured the pain of losing his wife, cared about March but couldn't bear his weird behavior. He didn't know how to make him "normal" and gregarious, only silence and occasional outbursts. But giving Madge money when he...

  • Celestine 2022-01-27 08:24:08

    should win an award

    The actor-level acting skills, the beautiful oil painting-like footage, and the narration that is clean and free of impurities. All the emotions are mixed in the last scene, the male protagonist said "let me go~" but was hugged by my father and I burst into tears when I saw this. To tell the truth,...

The Mudge Boy

Director: Michael Burke

Language: English Release date: January 17, 2003