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The Motorcycle Diaries Reviews

  • Kaylie 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    on the road of your life

    There must be such a journey in your life. No matter how the famous silhouette man logo became a bar sign on the streets of Kuan Alley in Chengdu... and no matter how a lively and noisy Latin America is on the other side of our planet. Forget these. I just love this journey of my life. Che...

  • Buster 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    still on this shore

    We have never been on the road, because we are afraid of the difficulties on the way, or because we dare not bear the heavy truth?  We are not unfamiliar with those faces that bear sadness. They kept passing us by as we walked through the city's bright streets. Their pain makes us ashamed, but we...

  • Dee 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    Travel sharing

    Unconventional film reviews, reproduce travel notes in the form of graphic captures, and pay tribute to "Fearless" adventurers and travelers

    The pictures and texts are edible, and the specific plots are not disclosed, which will not affect the overall look and feel of the film.

    It's not a heroic...

  • Demetrius 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    Motorcycle Diaries: On the Road to Heroes

    The director Cyrus explained "Motorcycle Diary": "The film tries to approach the spirit of the diary, describing not only the process on the road, but also the process of a person constantly exploring his inner world and finding his own position in the world." The young Che Guevara When I was 23...

  • Elinore 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    Guevara's ideal is Neruda's sailor

    I had high expectations for this film before watching it, but this film did not reflect the spirit of Guevara in our minds well, and it seems a bit suspected of keeping a running account. One of Guevara's favorite poems It's Neruda's , there's a line in it "There's nothing to tie us, nothing to tie...

  • Dariana 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    write to cut

    When the old Granado stares at the sky at the end of the film, his face after years of vicissitudes forms a huge contrast with the passionate image of the film when he is young. Who would have thought that someone who loved life so much when they were young could also grow old? Who would have...

  • Nestor 2022-03-21 09:01:58

    "Motorcycle Diary": The ideal is on the road

    Many years ago, I found that I had lost my ideals, angry and decadent in the air of reality. Then in the long growth years, all my spirit was wasted and vanished, and then I slowly struggled in the low ebb. At the moment when the water surfaced, I was eager to find a sustenance. It seemed that all...

  • Ashleigh 2022-03-21 09:01:58

    There are no heroes here

    I don't have a clear understanding of Guevara, I know that he is due to the popular symbol. Liked by young music and painting lovers, it is hung around the neck, worn on the head, and worn on the body. This kind of love, or worship to some extent, is like some black athletes tattooing Mao Zedong's...

  • Alyson 2022-03-21 09:01:58

    admire Guevara's father

    Fortunately, after watching this movie, I got to know about Comrade Guevara in other ways. Otherwise, when I mention his name, what will be reflected in my mind is his head on the clumsy T-shirt, and Zhang Guangtian's model drama.     More admire his father. The 23-year-old Guevara was going to...

  • Kristy 2022-03-21 09:01:58

    South America tour

    It's about the same as I imagined~ It's not bad or it's not bad. It belongs to the type that can be watched or not. Strictly speaking, it is not appropriate to call the film a motorcycle diary, because their motorcycle "Fearless" was declared scrapped shortly after the trip.  It was an eight-month...