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The Motorcycle Diaries Reviews

  • Reanna 2022-03-24 09:01:55

    Reinterpretation of a diary

    The first time I saw this film, I didn’t know anything about Bearded Stars, but it was famous. In that world-famous photo, the red star was shining brightly. Every time I fell and got an asthma attack, there was a feeling of an oracle. . And the movie's climax, Crossing the Amazon, sounds like a...

  • Antonio 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    More travel, more insight

    In the book "South of the Border, West of the Sun", Haruki Murakami said that "there are things that can be salvaged and irreversible in the world, and the passage of time is an irreversible thing." We can choose our own choices and pursue life. The meaning of life, to appreciate the various states...

  • Shawna 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    motorcycle diary

    "Revolution is an imitation, and it must be original." "It's painful to live" "Yes, life is very miserable, we have to struggle with every breath, and we will send death to hell." "Although we are small people, we are not enough. To promote such a noble movement, but we believe that this journey...

  • Jason 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    A youth invincible road movie

    How much influence can an unbridled travel at a young age have on a person's life? Even changed the face of history and the world to a considerable extent? Two medical students in their early twenties improvised on a summer day to embark on a journey across the continent on a heavy locomotive. The...

  • Zelda 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    just want to be on the road

    Missed the beginning of the film, perhaps thanks for this regrettable miss. Silently and without warning, a vast expanse of white snow rushed into the eyes, a worn-out motorcycle, two young men in ragged clothes, and they still hadn't figured out what was going on. It was another clear sky with...

  • Grayce 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    just want to be on the road

    Missed the beginning of the film, perhaps thanks for this regrettable miss. Silently and without warning, a vast expanse of white snow rushed into the eyes, a worn-out motorcycle, two young men in ragged clothes, and they still hadn't figured out what was going on. It was another clear sky with...

  • Vaughn 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    Dawn of the Martyrs

    Dawn of the Martyrs Polish writer Xian   Keweizhi in his masterpiece "Where are you going?" The following story is told in the story:    It is said that when the Roman tyrant Nero massacred Christians, the Colosseum was filled with the wailing of women and the roar of lions, the fire biting the...

  • Kayden 2022-03-23 09:01:58

    Dawn of the Martyrs

    Dawn of the Martyrs Polish writer Xian   Keweizhi in his masterpiece "Where are you going?" The following story is told in the story:    It is said that when the Roman tyrant Nero massacred Christians, the Colosseum was filled with the wailing of women and the roar of lions, the fire biting the...

  • Everett 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    eager to hit the road

    My confidant, recommended me to watch this movie, he recommends all great movies, without exception. They love the road, are restless, and are passionate. They attach great importance to love and righteousness, sympathize with each other, and never give up. Walking through strong winds, snow,...

  • Martine 2022-03-22 09:01:52

    <Motorcycle Diary> Views

    I often read all the peripheral information about the movie before watching the movie, and then I get excited. Damn, this movie is waiting for me to watch. Like an encounter, I never follow the trend of the theater. Even so, I will never finish my list of movies in a lifetime.           The night...