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The Motorcycle Diaries Reviews

  • Alexys 2022-04-19 09:01:58

    How can I reminisce about a world I don't know?

    Guevara, a great young revolutionary, but this movie was highly recommended to me by a friend. I still took the time to watch it today, and when I finished listening to the guitar chords at the end, I got goosebumps, I think I had a nervous orgasm. --------------------------------------- It is...

  • Kurt 2022-04-19 09:01:58

    Pure thoughts (not movie reviews)

    I like the subject matter very much. There are many impressive clips in the whole film. First, I met the couple in the mine, and I saw the injustice suffered by the native Indians. I have thought about the meaning of the trip and the changes it brings to me. The second is in the village where the...

  • Thurman 2022-04-19 09:01:58

    The Long March of Comrade Guevara

    After watching this work (left in the photo above) directed by Walter Salles (who previously directed "Grand Central Station"), I couldn't help but think of two passionate words "youth and revolution". There are already too many introductions about Comrade Guevara, and it is said that his portrait...

  • Lilla 2022-04-19 09:01:58

    The Motorcycle Diaries

    Motorcycle Diaries, The Motorcycle Diaries, is a true story about a young Guevara, a journey of self-discovery.     Let me recall the beginning of the film - itinerary: 2000 kilometers, method: let it flow, purpose: to see an America we don't know well, maybe that's it, or my memory is wrong. I...

  • Effie 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    He walks with a candle, he cuts the water and sails

    "He walked with candles, he cut water and rowed boats" This is an era of advocating travel and advocating adventure. If you say go, you will go, you will not return if you are not drunk, and travel becomes consumption. The speaker was excited, and the listener blindly followed. However, it all...

  • Eloy 2022-03-24 09:01:55

    On the way to change the world

    I watched this movie because of Cai Kangyong's speech. When I heard it was about travel, I was overjoyed. When I thought about watching Kerouac's "On the Road" when I was in school, I was overwhelmed for a while. In bursts, the sky was gloomy, and the sensual female classmate ran over with her...

  • Rickey 2022-03-24 09:01:55

    Che Guevara, the growth of revolutionary ideas

    Che Guevara really kept his promise. His girlfriend gave him money and said that if he went to the United States to buy her a swimsuit, he would not need the money to see a doctor if he was seriously ill. Later, his girlfriend wrote to him and dumped him. The two of them didn't bring money with...

  • Theodore 2022-03-24 09:01:55

    Know clearly what you want

    Last week, I dined with a rock boy. He was only in his second year of high school, and he was born in the 90s. He is a friend of a friend. And my friend is a super rock nerd. This young man is wearing a very small dress, and by looking at his face, he knows that he must wear a Guevara cultural...

  • Curtis 2022-03-24 09:01:55

    When the prince and the fisherman are together.

    One is in his early twenties, dedicated, kind, upright and charming; the other is in his late twenties, unshaven, cunning and lustful. The prince and the fisherman go together, which is quite a mix and match. The humorous and witty plots of the two all the way are like swaggering gangsters. Begin...

  • Vito 2022-03-24 09:01:55

    growing up

    We live on the same earth, however, different places, different countries, different towns, and even different corners are changing different landscapes and playing out different stories. So you are curious, you chase, you seek. Insight with eyes, discern with nose, catch with ears, just to feel...