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The Motorcycle Diaries Reviews

  • Winnifred 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    If you have such feelings

    "If you don't do some things now, you won't do them in your life!" This is a sentence that made me tremble when I watched the Taiwanese movie "Etudes" two years ago. The senior year is about to graduate, Mingxiang rides a bicycle and starts a trip around the island against the wind. On a bicycle...

  • Daphney 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    The road of life is getting narrower and narrower

    I bought this disc in my freshman year and finally finished it when I was about to finish my sophomore year. I remembered that the three of them made an appointment to go to Medog for a graduation trip before graduating from high school, and went out of the Sichuan Basin to study in Beijing...

  • Amelie 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    Unknown but the best

    There is no detailed understanding of what this person has done, good or bad. If you don't know what he has accomplished, in a word, you basically don't know anything. Therefore, it is impossible to evaluate people. Of course, for the same young people of this age, experience, and knowledge, what...

  • Libbie 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    motorcycle diary

    #Microfilm Review# "Motorcycle Diary" medical students embarked on a long trip around Latin America with friends before graduation. They rode on the broken motorcycle and set off at a rapid pace, but the motorcycle was quickly scrapped. The young man's passion is undeniable, and the two rely on...

  • Chelsea 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Un episodio que mu gusta más

    Desde mi punto de vista, mi episodio favorito es que Che Guevara nadó de un lado del río al otro. todo el continente latinoamericano y los pobres ahí, tal vez sea una brecha entre el imperialismo y el socialismo, y él ha decidido firmemente estar en el mismo frente con la gente común y corriente...

  • Daniela 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Travel changes lives

    "It's not a moving story, but a part of the lives of two people who, in those moments, fought their way through their shared hopes and dreams."                      - Ernest Gwaner De la Erne (1952) The     Motorcycle Diary     Project: Traveling Eight     Thousand Kilometers in Four Months The... 

  • Wallace 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Before the age of 24, cross the continent in a group or cross a river alone

    Almost forgot that I was a wanderer. The life of the camp is enough to easily ban all "unrealistic" fantasies. "Dare to find someone to traverse a continent or a river alone before the age of 24?" Well, that's my wish now, and I'm serious.  "Motorcycle Diaries," easily reaching the heights of...

  • Wiley 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Look at yourself, look at heaven and earth, look at all beings

    "Motorcycle Diary" is something I've been watching for many years. This movie is familiar to everyone. I've heard its name countless times, and it covers my favorite highway themes. It was only after I saw it that I realized it was about Che Gee. Valla's. Well, since I'm talking about such a great...

  • Melany 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    It's rare to see a movie like this

    When watching a movie, I rarely feel this way: every time I see a scene or a paragraph, I feel that I can already guess what he is going to say next, and I will think that it is nothing more than the dream of two teenagers. Then, want to leave, but reluctant. Because I know that if I go, there will...

  • Marley 2022-04-22 07:01:31

    Motorcycle Diary - Discover Yourself

    It was only at the end that I found out that the protagonist of the film was the famous Guevara. It is easy for ordinary people to express curiosity about the growth trajectory of heroic characters. What kind of unique experience and opportunities create such a great soul? Just having talent is...