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The Motorcycle Diaries Reviews

  • Arielle 2021-12-12 08:01:05

    Vaguely recalling when I was young

    Read "Motor Diary". Then I remembered the four of us cycling from Shanghai to Beijing in the summer of 1998. I was only 21 years old at that time, younger than Che in the movie. Now I am 29. Zheng and Chi's companion, Granado, is one year old. This also means that it would not be too late...

  • Bria 2021-12-12 08:01:05

    For young people who are real and already real, you should be given a dose of hormones

    A travel for the sake of travel. In the movie "Motor Diary", the 23-year-old youth faced the question of two communist fugitives. He said so, with a hedonistic sense of shame to explain what they had done since they went on the road in December 1951. In the diary that ignited hormones for...

  • Adela 2021-12-12 08:01:05

    Aesthetic so it fails

        Some people are beautiful, they pursue perfection, sublime, purity, and ideals. The beautiful ideas in their hearts and their expectations of life are like fireworks in the blue night sky, brilliant and lonely as beautiful. But life will use ironclad evidence to tell us that all things...

  • Aisha 2021-12-12 08:01:05

    Jekuwara and South America

    "The Motorcycle Diaries" (The Motorcycle Diaries) has been drawn in Hong Kong for a long time. I remember that in the election of the Hong Kong Legislative Council last year, the long-haired Liang Guoxiong entered the game, and the T-shirt he often wore was also a topic. The film company...

  • Vincent 2021-12-12 08:01:05

    Call from a distant continent

    He was 23 years old that year, a child from a decent family in Argentina, and a medical student who was about to receive a diploma. The beautiful girl looked at him with a smile, and he would always hide away if he could not dance... However, ordinary and warm But her life can't contain...

  • Lottie 2021-12-12 08:01:05

    Let us face reality, let us stay true to our ideals

    He is a patient with asthma. When he was only 2 years old, he suffered from acute pneumonia and caused asthma due to playing and bathing by the river. Due to frequent chest tightness and wheezing, he started smoking cigarettes, pipes and cigars when he was guerrilla in the mountains of...