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The Motorcycle Diaries Reviews

  • Hilton 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    Pampas in the south, patagonia in the north

    Fusser is a doctor of medicine in Buenos Aires. His family is wealthy and wealthy. He is a person who has the right to choose his life.        On January 4th, he stepped on Granado's old motorcycle, real life, and the vast and primitive Latin America in front of him, did he feel the blood spurting?...

  • Ulises 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    The 24-year-old me, saw the road that 24-year-old che walked.

       "The Death of Che Guevara" read with "Motorcycle Diary" is like a poet looking back at both ends of his life.    24 years old, walking forward with the big pirate wish of "I want to have sex all the way, all the way forward". Having encountered Waterloo in the first country, it is doomed that...

  • Verna 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    This night, look, it's special

    "Dear mother, Buenos Aires is behind us, and behind us is the poor life, and those teachers, exams, and sleepy papers, and ahead of us is all of Latin America, from now on At first we only believed in our motorcycles!"     By this point, I was almost in tears. Tomorrow, the scheduled work time, the...

  • Alex 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    take me far away

    I am a lazy person. In fact, I have been aware of this problem several times, but in short, I only think about it occasionally, and then I was immediately relieved by more examples of people being lazy, so I became lazy with peace of mind. The last time I realized When I came to this question, I...

  • Madonna 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    There is a gap~~~

    The first motorcycle diary is such a good subject and it did not produce the shocking effect it should have. Personally, I think that the film that is not very good does not highlight Che Guevara's character ideal... It is just a very straightforward story rather than showing the second male...

  • Natalia 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    Self-examination of life.

    My viewing of motorcycle diaries stopped in the Inca region. Lying in bed all afternoon with the CD-ROM drive. To be honest, I didn't get to watch the entire movie, all thanks to my broken ass computer and my fiddly optical drive. However, that doesn't stop my boiling heart and passion for writing...

  • Albert 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    Do you see the real but powerless world?

    The world that can be seen but cannot be changed is the real world. Revolutionaries like cannon fodder are always heroes of the times, living great and dying with glory. What I see now, this introverted and vain country has a different context. It has been almost a year since I came out, and I live...

  • Loren 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    That firm and painful look

    The person who wrote this diary was dead the day he set foot on Argentine soil. The me who organized and polished no longer me , at least now I am no longer the me I used to be. Roaming South America has changed me more than I could have foreseen                             -- Ernesto Che Guevara... 

  • Torey 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    Where will you be when you are thirty?

    Where will you be when you are thirty? This is the first question that comes to mind after watching "Motorcycle diary". Then, I will think, I will probably still be in that small room, complaining day after day how annoying my boss is and how vulgar the people around me are... Hong Kong is still...

  • Sandrine 2022-04-23 07:02:13

    so-called idealist

    Before I watched this film, I happened to do a test about the temperament, and the result shows I am an idealist and more over, I belong to the champion rank. Honestly, I'm not very clear of what the champion means, but I do know that idealism had haunted my mind for a long time, especially when I...