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The Manchurian Candidate Reviews

  • Monserrat 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    A little confused about the ending

      Because it suddenly appeared when the channel was changed, I don't know much about the plot of the first part of the movie (but it doesn't prevent you from watching it like this, hehe...). I was a little confused about the final development. What happened after I heard Irina called him...

  • Deven 2021-12-11 08:01:37


    Why Denzel Washington can become the actor? The acting in this movie is indeed worthy of the Oscar statuette, but he is not the main object I want to talk about. This is another movie that is easy to misunderstand because of its name. I thought it was a boring political movie. It was...

  • Alivia 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    The love of an ambitious and motivated mother

    I like Meryl Streep's performance very much. An ambitious woman can feel her desire for family pride and hope for the highest honor in her speech and behavior. How should a mother love her son? How does a tough woman love her son? It's scary to think about it. The ambition that a careerist...

  • Durward 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    About justice

    Stripped of the film's cover of too many commercial films (cool scenes, American election gimmicks, multiple heavyweight actors), in fact, the director still wants to tell us a simple story about justice. Starting from Washington's personal experience about the US Medal of Honor system,...

  • America 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    The short comment is long as it is written

    Very good movie, Denzel Washington's acting is nothing to say, Aunt May also portrays the image of a politician who has a strong desire for control very well! When Denzel put the group photo into the water at the end, it seemed that everyone had rested in peace! The film strives to show that even...

  • Moriah 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    Chinese brainwashing

    What kind of education a person receives will become what kind of person. If a person does not achieve much in the future, it can only mean that he is too deeply involved in Chinese exam-oriented education, and his brain has been used up. It is a lot of people, and it is me. I didn't have...

  • Della 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    Confused nerves

    wars are fought one battle at a time. battles, you win one bullet at a time . The battle was won by bullets. Jonathan Demi's soft science fiction + political war remake. Lost in double memory, the rhythm is flawed. Needless to say, Denzel Washington, his acting skills are outstanding, and...

  • Camylle 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    Turn: "Candidate of Manzhouli" and brainwashing——From the cold war delusion to the anti-terrorism delusion

    [Author] Li Gongzhao; [Abstract] The American Korean War novel "Manchurian Candidate" tells the story of the American war hero Sergeant Xiao who was captured and brainwashed on the Korean battlefield and returned to the United States, trying to assassinate the American presidential...

  • Jake 2021-12-11 08:01:37


     The president wanted to die with his mother, so he handed the phone to the man, let him be hypnotized and assassinated the person next to him, and then deliberately hugged his mother and walked to the star to die with his mother. I guess 80% of the mother and daughter had something very...

  • Jamison 2021-12-11 08:01:37

    Another untimely movie

    It's a pity that this brainwashing movie was in 2004. At that time, the entire American people were being brainwashed by the Republican Party with Bush Jr. at the core. No one wanted to hear negative questions, so the box office was pretty bad. Danzel Washington, Liev Schreiber and Meryl...