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The Lost Weekend Reviews

  • Dane 2022-03-22 09:02:21

    Confessions of an alcoholic

    I'm an alcoholic, but I wasn't born an alcoholic. I also went to college, and although I didn't graduate, you know, in the 1930s, young people who went to college were considered high-level intellectuals. I am very confident in my writing talent, because my articles are frequent visitors in the...

  • Nelda 2022-03-21 09:02:38

    shock the mind

    I believe that anyone who has read this book will say that it is well written. Indeed, I saw this book in the supermarket at the time and casually flipped through it. At that time, my mental state was similar to what the master described on the first page. I lost my job thinking that everything...

  • Ana 2022-03-21 09:02:38

    best nonprofit movie lol

    The so-called 100 poems about fighting wine probably also depends on the person. Since there are no geniuses such as Li Bai and Hemingway, it is useless to drink more rice wine and whiskey. Don Benham is considered a small talent, but drinking to him is like opium to Picasso's imagination. The...

  • Francesco 2022-01-09 08:01:01

    The so-called literary wine is not delicious

    Why did the hero finally wake up?

    Alcoholism is not fun, but there is nothing to do. It can only paralyze the self. Want to relieve the paralysis. You need to find the meaning of life. It has both thoughtful themes and interesting complexes. Similar to excellent short stories, the male lead's...

  • Jana 2022-01-09 08:01:01

    Bad masterpiece

    This would have been a very outstanding work, but it turned into a terrible masterpiece. Those pretentious mediocre people should have chills after reading it. They shouldn't be given another dose of anesthetic, because everyone knows that they will never get rid of it, and Tang will always be the...

  • Hadley 2022-01-09 08:01:01

    Well acted

    Since Ray Milan's alcoholic is highly affirmed, why should Nicolas Cage be given a actor in a few decades? Seeing Milan's alcoholic, Cage's alcoholic is simply vulnerable. Jian Huiman was probably born mature, as if Ge You said that he himself was born older than other children. But this film is...

  • Trycia 2022-01-09 08:01:01


    Don Burnham is a talented intellectual. He showed his outstanding writing talent in college, and his works are often published in college magazines. However, he is also a person whose self-esteem is easily impaired, and a little setback is enough to destroy his self-confidence. He has always...

  • Casey 2022-01-09 08:01:01

    The power of details

    I like Billy Wilder very much, and I also miss the golden age of old Hollywood. In the contemporary era where commercial films and art films go further and further, what we often see are films that go to two extremes: one type of big themes, big scenes, which take dreams as their own...

  • Bernard 2022-01-09 08:01:01

    Billy Wild’s Noir Films and "Lost Weekend" Genre Analysis

    Film noir has never been favored by Oscars due to its dark and depressive tone. However, Billy Wilder won the eighteenth Oscar for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Screenplay by virtue of this "Lost Weekend". He became an Oscar for the first time. The biggest winner.

    Billy Wild's...

  • Toney 2022-01-09 08:01:01

    "Lost Weekend": the first film in film history

    Although "Lost Weekend" was criticized by Western media as the first work in history to seriously discuss the issue of alcoholism, under the guidance of Billy Wilder, he is still as usual, willing to spend a lot of effort to spy on people for pleasure What kind of methods are willing to use, on the...