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The Lost Weekend Reviews

  • Deja 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    18th Academy Awards

    Four stars, the one missing is the ending.

    The director chose the trivial problems of the most common little people in life - the writer's alcoholism, which is not too profound, nor is it a main theme film, but won the 18th Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best...

  • Guillermo 2022-03-26 09:01:09


    Don Burnham was a talented intellectual. He showed extraordinary writing talent during his college days, and his works were often published in college magazines. However, he is also a person with easily damaged self-esteem, and a little setback is enough to break his self-confidence. He had always...

  • Clifford 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    addiction thing

    The Lost Weekend (1945) - Best Picture at the 18th Academy Awards The           film depicts the life of an alcoholic writer, Don, and vividly portrays the alcoholic's psychology and uncontrollable desires. The whole tone is on the verge of gloom and powerlessness, and there is no hope in life. It...

  • Darby 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    lost weekend

    Don (Ray Milland) doesn't know if he can call himself a frustrated writer, because how can a writer whose work has never been accepted by the public be a writer? In order to dispel the anger in his heart, Tang chose to seek comfort from alcohol, but he did not know that alcohol would only make his...

  • Uriah 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    The description of the drunkard is too realistic.

    18 Lost Weekend The people watching this movie are very depressed. Whether it's the soundtrack of the movie or the shooting of the scene, the whole movie is filled with a desolate, tragic and cold atmosphere, like a ghost movie. Throughout the whole movie, in terms of how to describe the daily life...

  • Krystal 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    The description of the drunkard is too realistic.

    18 Lost Weekend The people watching this movie are very depressed. Whether it's the soundtrack of the movie or the shooting of the scene, the whole movie is filled with a desolate, tragic and cold atmosphere, like a ghost movie. Throughout the whole movie, in terms of how to describe the daily life...

  • Jevon 2022-03-24 09:02:51

    Alcoholics Alert

    Drinking alcohol can relax the body and mind, and the feeling of being slightly drunk makes people feel that their muscles and bones are relaxed and relaxed, temporarily forgetting all troubles and worries. Especially for someone like me who is not good at drinking, who basically pours two glasses...

  • Friedrich 2022-03-23 09:02:39

    "The Lost Weekend": What's in a Bottle [Best Picture at the 18th Academy Awards] The Lost Weekend (1945) won Best Picture at the 18th Academy Awards and Best Picture at the 1945 Cannes Film Festival.The film tells the four-day life of an alcoholic. The male protagonist is an alcoholic who is getting ready to go to the...

  • Loyce 2022-03-23 09:02:39

    bad movie

    Bullshit plot, there are women who like such drunkards. The most ridiculous thing is that the landlady said that drunkards are handsome. Are there few people in this era who can look good? It's not normal for a woman to be so infatuated, and there is a woman who met by chance, and I can't figure it...

  • Pearl 2022-03-22 09:02:21

    Confessions of an alcoholic

    I'm an alcoholic, but I wasn't born an alcoholic. I also went to college, and although I didn't graduate, you know, in the 1930s, young people who went to college were considered high-level intellectuals. I am very confident in my writing talent, because my articles are frequent visitors in the...