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The Legend of 1900 Reviews

  • Florida 2022-03-25 09:01:10


    We laughed and kept saying "see u soon", but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again. It's not what I see that stops me, it's what I can't see. do you understand? The ones I can't see. In that infinitely sprawling city, there is everything, but there is no end. It wasn't what I saw that...

  • Dominic 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    After watching the movie n times, you can watch it again

    I don't want to say how many times I've watched this movie, I just want to say that this movie touched me, it's very meaningful and profound, so I think it's not enough to watch it once, and it's not enough to watch it twice. It's not enough, because the problems it analyzes make me think it's...

  • Madelyn 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    The lines of the pianist at sea

    1. "People on land like to find out the bottom line and waste a lot of time. In winter, they worry about the late arrival of summer, and in summer, they worry about the coming of winter. So they keep wandering around in pursuit of a distant place where the four seasons are like Xia's place - I...

  • Dax 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    The legendary 1900

    The film "Sea Pianist", as the name suggests, has the sea. Everything happens at sea. The sea is blue, a cool color, giving people a kind of melancholy, calmness and loneliness. This is also the feeling that pianist 1900 gives people, bringing happiness to others and sadness to himself. What...

  • Jacklyn 2022-03-25 09:01:10


    It's actually Max's memoir. 2 hours and 49 minutes of video. Following this memory of Max, it shows us his life at sea in 1900. This great pianist never got off the ship, since he was born!

    Born in 1900 in the first-class cabin on the ship, his parents wanted to find him a rich man but was taken in...

  • Jevon 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    absurdist play

    The protagonist of the film "The Pianist at Sea" is named Raymond, who is adopted by a coal worker, and after the coal worker dies, he starts to play the piano. He often played the piano for the passengers on the ship, and the passengers were enchanted by his sound. He later became a pianist on...

  • Alisha 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    ideal of freedom

    "The city is so big that there is no end in sight." "I stop not because of what I see, but because of what I can't see. Do you understand? It's because of what can't be seen." "Take the piano, for example, the keyboard has a beginning and a Finally. There are 88 keys, yes, not infinite. But music...

  • Dean 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    It's a lonely island and a garden of Eden

    The Virginian was an island in the heart of 1900, but for him, the island was not closed and lonely, but belonging and security. An abandoned orphan, 1900 was raised by workers on the Virginian, his home, and everyone on board was his family and companion, with whom 1900 felt at ease and wanton. He...

  • Zita 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    Born in a boat, grows up in a boat.

    In 1900, he was uninhibited and unmoved by the world. Just because playing was his lifelong love, he didn't have to get off the boat to be immersed in music all the time to get the purest happiness.

    It's a thought-provoking movie that's different every time you watch it. It's very exciting, with...

  • Agustina 2022-03-24 09:02:17

    The starting point that cannot be decided, the path that can be chosen

    You may not be able to decide where you start, but you can decide where you go and where you end. When I first watched it, I was frightened by the length of the film, but the more I went to the back, the more the world became quieter. I looked at 1900's quiet eyes, his world. He lives in his own...