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The Ledge Reviews

  • Iva 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    It'OK, Iife goes on

    The three protagonists in the film have their own unbearable past, and they are stuck in it and have not come out. It seems that the most self-disciplined and most upright Joe's statement at the end of the film surprised me. It turns out that he is the one with the most black history in it! At the...

  • Monica 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    I don’t go to hell, who goes to hell

    This story is very well written. Kevin's last jump changed everyone, and he explained what the power of faith is. Dare to love others, dare to sacrifice for love. Shana also felt the warmth of being loved at the last moment. Although the ending was not good, she gained the courage to face it alone....

  • Nicolette 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    Love, Faith and Life

    A powerful story. After reading it, I felt a little confused, but I don't know how to write it. If someone agrees with the practice of jumping off a building, I would think O, G are you brainwashed by the fashion concepts of liberalism and personal heroism? Still fascinated by the handsomeness of...

  • Jocelyn 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    The most exquisite movie worth seeing in the near future! Spoiler, be careful!

    First of all, let's talk about why this film is worth watching and it can be called exquisite. The plot is simple and compact, the four protagonists have excellent acting skills, and the graphics and soundtrack are perfect. What is even more surprising is that the development of the plot suddenly...

  • Tatum 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    The point is, how to love?

    I love this film so much. I am now in the United States and joined the Methodist church. I am often confused by the male protagonist, or Joe’s piety, the power of religion and my own doubts about God make me linger in this dilemma. , As Hollis said at the end, "you're now trapped in a huge...

  • Benedict 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    Man jumping off the building

    "The Window Sill" is also known as the man who jumped off the building. It is a great movie. The three actors are very online, especially "Jia Xu" as always, the output is stable. Together...

    The film tells a lot about religion, homosexuality, marriage, derailment, true love... The seemingly...

  • Brionna 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    Can’t help but watch the second time carefully and slowly

    I watched the first movie for livtyler, and I don’t know why I didn’t watch the movie. The story is simple. From the perspective of God's extramarital affairs, people can't subject Shanna and Gavin to subjectively hate Shanna and Gavin? They even want to complain about being caught in the first...

  • Kristina 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    Where did love fly?

    I am not a religious believer, and it does not mean that I have no faith. Faith is very important. I can give courage and confidence to survive when I am down, and I can give a sense of direction when he is indecisive. But it's just a purely one's own belief, not affiliated with a certain religion....

  • Hellen 2022-01-14 08:02:05

    what should I do?

    There is a saying that is good, what is happiness, happiness is that cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Ultraman fights small monsters. If you are not a cat, not a dog, or Ultraman, how about the other way around? Many times we don't want to do that, but society forces us to choose. Knowing that...