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The Lazarus Project Reviews

  • Ellen 2022-01-13 08:02:30

    The world of schizophrenics: everything is possible

    When I saw it for about forty minutes, I fell asleep shamelessly, sweating...= = Fortunately, there is a little horror and suspense in this film. After waking up, I finally finished watching it, mainly because I want to know what the director wants in the end. How to explain that "angel" and the...

  • Carter 2022-01-13 08:02:30

    Devil Mountain

    In "The Lazarus Project" (2008), the place where the protagonist reaches-"Angel Hill"-feels very similar to the "Ameliao" where Naoko lives in "Norwegian Forest".  Is it true that only such an environment can heal the body and mind? ──A lot of work, regular life, simple but fresh food, beautiful...

  • Ruth 2022-01-13 08:02:30

    Old-fashioned plot

    It can only be said to be very old-fashioned. It is basically Truman's world. The atmosphere is well rendered and the plot design is not innovative. The film only has 6.3 points. It is estimated that this is the case. I guessed the ending prematurely. The inside story should be more interesting to...