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The Last Station Reviews

  • Ned 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    grey hair

    This is a tragedy. Just like in fairy tales, no one dares to think about the life after the princess and the prince are together. It's already something we can't dream of living together forever and ever. But the gray hair tips are still painfully entangled. There can be quarrels and...

  • Roslyn 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    plain love simple touching

    I like this Chinese name: Starting for Love The greatness of Leo Tolstoy is not what the movie wants to show. Great people also love so ordinary. She loves him , so she will try her best to seek benefits for the family from his works, she will hang up pictures of the two over and over again, she...

  • Christelle 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    Selfish love is enough

    Tolstoy wanted to get out of his inner predicament, get out of the embarrassment that his heart was scorched when his actions and thoughts were contrary to his thoughts, left his wife, and completed his so-called great exodus. He is a man who avoids responsibility. His eagerness to get out of...

  • Aurelia 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    They are in love with each other, so when you are in the world, don't give them worldly eyes.

    They are in love. When Sophia walked into Tolstoy's bedroom early in the morning, laying on the bed and hugging Tolstoy. She is longing for warmth. When a group of people gathered for a meal, Sophia replaced Tolstoy's speech with classical music, which Tolstoy said was much better, when they left...

  • Tyshawn 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    love is a war

    It is difficult to determine whether this is a literary film, but it would be biased to say that it is an autobiographical film of Tolstoy. The director uses extreme quarrels and desperate contradictions to describe a story about love, which sounds contradictory. When love becomes possession, a war...

  • Reese 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    when we are in control

    Sometimes we are controlled by seemingly noble evils. Because the camouflage is very good, the power is stronger, and it is more difficult to get rid of. After watching this movie, I suddenly began to wonder whether the most beautiful and simple tomb in the world was designed by Tolstoy before his...

  • Madaline 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    love very real

    After watching the movie "The Last Station", it tells about the last life of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy in his last years. There are lofty defenses of Leo Tolstoyists and hysterical defenses of his wife Sophia. It is also a defense of him, one in the name of human beings and the other in...

  • Patsy 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    Even old - our love

    what is love?      ...      a chronicle of the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.    The elegant and tranquil farmhouse is like an oil painting, the story is slowly advancing, the background familiar to the people you are familiar with, and the two-line narrative adopted by many biographical films,...

  • Summer 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    If you dare to put me in the palm of your hand, I will dare to follow you around the world.

    When I was studying, I always wondered, the so-called saint, the so-called famous saying, the so-called doctrine, whether it is because he himself contains those deep thoughts, obscure hints, classic theories, or because he became a celebrity, every celebrity's every day. Every sentence should be...

  • Madelyn 2022-04-19 09:02:40

    Taking your hand, living to old age together

    ----I know only because I love. ----Your youth and your desire for happiness ,cruelly remind me of my age and the impossibility of happiness for me. ----The entire phrase,my phrase. As if she'd read my mind . In that moment ,we both knew we would always be together. ----I'm a fool. I'm a selfish...