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The Last Station Reviews

  • Nora 2022-04-21 09:03:02

    the right to love

    Not much is known about that raging Tolstoy movement, but it's definitely meant for good. However, when a movement is in full swing, it is very likely to deviate from its original intention, especially the original intention of the parties, because the people who follow it are either too fanatical...

  • Damion 2022-04-21 09:03:02

    when liberty becomes ism

    Literature is the lifeblood of a movie. A good movie is inseparable from an excellent literary script, but it also has its own extension and promotion. If literature is the flesh and soul of a film, then its images, colors, soundtracks, the way the shots are moved, and the actors' involvement all...

  • Clifford 2022-04-21 09:03:02


    After reading The Last Station, I have the following thoughts.     Some people use the guise of revolution to occupy the moral high ground and use it to make high-sounding personal gain. This has to be said to be a bitter irony in our real life. Like the Vladimir Chertkov in the play, for what he...

  • Danny 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    Tolstoy's "The Last Station"

    When I was a student, I read a brief history of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy in textbooks. Now, my impression of him is limited to a paragraph of text and a picture. The text probably reads like this: "After Leo Tolstoy died, his tomb was in a quiet wood. This tomb has no headstone, no name, if anyone...

  • Consuelo 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    poor torto

    After reading Tolstoy's official introduction, it is basically a contradictory life. On his life path to explore human happiness, his worldview has changed several times.  But the official evaluation is very disgusting, and Lenin also praised and criticized him: As a prophet who invented a new way...

  • Telly 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    Falling in love but not being able to have a blind date is a love problem for Tolstoy too.

    He clearly loves each other deeply and is doing hurtful things to him. Toweng finally chose to donate his family wealth. I was thinking, is the decision of this dying person selfish or righteous? I like Mrs. Toon. As the villain of the near-god character Toon, the Countess is more complete, more...

  • Beth 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    Get close to Tolstoy

    I am a reading lover, but a world famous dyslexic. So Tolstoy, "War and Peace," "Anna Karenina," are all too heavy for me to respect and stay away from. I'll always need some kind of inspiration and opportunity to get close the hard way. Obviously, the "fate" with Tolstoy has arrived, hehehehe! The...

  • Elouise 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    everything that I know only because I love

    everything that I know only because I love is the opening sentence of the film. With the sound of slow music, the manor in the fog appeared. Tolstoy's wife, Sophia, walked into Tolstoy's room, closed the window, and got into Tolstoy's bed, like a bird. What a warm picture, at this time they are...

  • Heath 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    What is a contradiction? ~~~

    Things in the world are always associated with pros and cons, so there are many choices in life, and you can only take one of them. If you want to take both, it is a contradiction! If you put it into practice, it's pain! can only choose one lover and ideal, and this guy has never been...

  • Destinee 2022-04-20 09:02:14

    How could you?

    Haven't read Tolstoy's work, but read his biography. He's been a great man to many people, but I didn't like this old man who thought of himself as a saint from the very beginning. I don't want to judge the film as good or bad, because it doesn't really matter that much. Because there are more...